- University
- Mission statements and history
- University management and administration
- Professors | Teachers
- Officers
- Structure Working Group
- Departments and Faculties
- Centres and networks
- Committees and elections
- Dates and deadlines
- Successes of students
- Alumni Lisztiani
- Equality and diversity
- International
- Research
- University buildings
- The University buildings
- Fürstenhaus - Main building
- Hochschulzentrum am Horn
- Klostergebäude Am Palais
- Beethoven House Belvedere
- Bach House Belvedere
- Haydn House Belvedere
- Studio Theatre Belvedere
- Rößlersches Haus - Administration building
- Kaufstraße - Administration building
- Music High School Schloss Belvedere
- University library
- University Archive | Thuringian Music Archive
- Music High School Schloss Belvedere
- Applying
- Studying
- Working
- University management and administration
- Professors | Teachers
- Officers
- Jobs and tenders
- Dates and deadlines
- My event
- Occupational health management
- Staff council
- Service
- Rental service for media technology and mobile hybrid systems
- Announcement sheets
- Security and emergency plans
- Academic Quality and Development
- Legal Department
- Central IT - Tutorials
- Sick Note
- Giving
- Visiting
- Reporting