Non-discriminatory, inclusive language

Music is for everyone!

When the stage lights go on, when the baton is raised, when the strings sound, when the voices start - then we are all the same. No matter how old we are or where we come from. No matter what gender we are or who we love. No matter what handicaps or obstacles stand in our way.

We want to play, sing, speak, enjoy, move, teach and learn. And everyone is allowed to do that.

The University of Music stands for diversity in and through music: played, sung, thought, moved and taught. In the lecture theatre. On the stage. Anytime and anywhere in life.

The Language Working Group is currently working on guidelines for the university on non-discriminatory and gender-sensitive language. We would be delighted if you would get involved! Our Diversity Officer, Prof Meike Britt Hübner, will be happy to tell you more and will also let you know the date of our next meeting: diversity(at) 

Positioning of the Language Working Group on the use of language at the Weimar University of Music

The University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar brings together a wide variety of people who interact with each other as students, teachers and administrative staff. Their main concern is to impart, acquire, preserve, keep alive and further develop skills and knowledge in the field of music from contemporary perspectives. This takes place in an open academic discourse, which is made possible by the freedom of teaching.

The fruitful interaction of personalities of different origins, gender identity, sexual orientation, ideology and religion, of people of different ages, with or without health restrictions, must always be valued and ensured as a great asset.

This is linked to the goal of preventing discrimination and abuse of power. It is the responsibility of the university to create the best possible framework conditions for this.

As a central means of interpersonal communication, language plays a special role in cooperation and exchange: it not only conveys information, but also reflects thoughts, values and feelings.

The transformation of language and the forms of its use is a natural part of the history of living languages as a reflection of changing social realities. As places of social interaction, universities and their members also have a responsibility to constantly deal with social changes and their reflection in language.

In everyday language use, it is important to find a way of expressing oneself that is appropriate to the situation and suitable for the other person.

Due to the great diversity among people and their personal opinions, different feelings and views will always arise between those involved. These are legitimate. The decisive factor is the desire for mutual understanding and an interaction that expresses respect and appreciation for the other person.

It is important to understand both language and behaviour and their interactions as relevant means of human interaction and to use them in a reflective manner: This is the basis for successful, sensitive, power-free and inclusive communication, which we advocate at the Weimar University of Music.

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