Corporate health management

Psychisch Fit Studieren

Die Anforderungen des Arbeitsalltags an unserer Hochschule sind vielfältig: Als Mitarbeitende sind Sie alle täglich konfrontiert mit verschiedensten Themen, Konflikten, Situationen. Auch mit der psychischen Instabilität von Studierenden, die sich mitunter in organisatorischen Belangen des Studienalltags und Prüfungsgeschehen im Kontakt und in der Kommunikation mit Ihnen zeigt.

Hier setzt diese Veranstaltung an, die sich explizit an Mitarbeitende richtet und der Frage nachgeht:
Wie können wir im Hochschulalltag unterstützen, damit ein Studium bei uns „psychisch fit“ umgesetzt werden kann?

Nachdem wir zu Beginn des Semesters mit der  Mental Health Week Angebote für die psychische Gesundheit in den Fokus  genommen haben, setzen wir diese nun mit folgender Veranstaltung fort: 

Mitarbeitendenforum „Psychisch fit studieren“ am

Freitag, 24.01.25 von 10 bis 12 Uhr online

mit „Irrsinnig menschlich“ e.V. Leipzig

Anmeldung bitte bis zum 21.01.25, 12 Uhr unter diesem Link.
Nach der Anmeldung erhalten Sie die Zugangsdaten für die Veranstaltung.

Wir freuen uns über Ihre Teilnahme!

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Vorab-Einschreibung Sportangebote

Das USZ ermöglicht es den Mitarbeitenden, sich vor Beginn der zentralen Online-Einschreibung vorfristig für nachfolgend ausgewiesene Gesundheitskurse online anzumelden. Es können maximal 2 Kurse pro Person gebucht werden, da die Kapazitäten in den einzelnen Kursen begrenzt sind und möglichst viele Interessenten berücksichtigt werden sollen.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt unter Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: Universitätssportzentrum ( (Wintersemesterprogramm ab 30.09.24 zur Einsicht online).
Start der Anmeldung: Montag, 14.10.2024 09.00 Uhr

Ende der Anmeldung: Dienstag, 15.10.2024, 12.00 Uhr.
Für die Mitarbeiter*innen, die diesen Zeitraum verpassen, besteht während der zentralen Einschreibung ab Mittwoch, 16.10.2024 um 9:00 Uhr die Möglichkeit, sich online anzumelden.

University Sports at the University Sports Centre

The sports programmes offered by the University Sports Centre (USC) are aimed at students and employees of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar. 

Registration for the respective semester (lecture period) as well as for the sports programme during the lecture-free period takes place exclusively online.

All information and dates for course enrolment can be found here

Every semester, the University Sports Centre enables employees of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar to register online for designated health courses (maximum 2 courses per person) before the start of the central online registration period. As a rule, this (early) online enrolment takes place in mid-October and at the end of March/beginning of April. 

More information about enrolment and the sports programmecan be found here


Dr. Uwe Türk-Noack
Head of the University Sports Centre
Tel. +49 (0)3643 | 58 24 50

Ivonne Hartmann
Dipl.-Sportwiss./Teacher of the USC
Tel. +49 (0)3643 | 58 24 53

Ines Klug
Tel. +49 (0)3643 | 58 24 51

Mental Health Week

Vom 07. bis 11. Oktober 2024 drehte sich in vielfältigen, digitalen Formaten alles rund
um die mentale Gesundheit und darum, wie man sie stärken kann. Denn: „Es gibt
keine Gesundheit ohne mentale Gesundheit.“
In Workshops, spannenden Keynotes und exklusiven Interviews konnte man Körper und Geist beleben!

Der Zeitplan steht hier zum Download bereit (PDF).

Healthy universities in Thuringia - exchange forum ‘From university to university’

Press release of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), 21.08.2024

For seven years now, Thuringian universities have been demonstrating that health promotion for students and staff can best be organised together. The Healthy Universities in Thuringia - Exchange Forum ‘From University to University’ project, funded by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), has been running since spring 2017.

In addition to the universities, the Studierendenwerk Thüringen and health promotion officers in the university sector are also part of the network. Due to the positive experiences, the cooperation has now been extended for another three years and the universities have set further priorities together with TK.

On 21 August 2024, the members of the exchange forum met in Erfurt for the first time since the cooperation was extended on 1 July.

Prof Kai-Uwe Sattler, President of Ilmenau University of Technology, which is coordinating the project together with TK, is also pleased about the extension of the cooperation as Chairman of the Thuringian Conference of State Presidents: ‘The Thuringian universities in the network have a common goal: we want healthy students and employees. We regularly share our best practice examples on how best to achieve this and, with the support of external experts, we continue to educate ourselves together. We are delighted that TK will continue to provide us with expert advice and financial support in the future.’

The core of the exchange forum is the non-competitive cooperation between health coordinators at Thuringian universities. Although it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract students and employees, the topic of health is not a matter of course at universities. Since their establishment and with the support of the exchange forum, Thuringian universities have managed to install a health management system at almost all locations. This is a great success and gives us hope that the topic will be integrated into university processes.

‘The past few years have shown us that it is precisely this cooperation and the open exchange about concrete challenges and successes in health-promoting programmes and changes that are the network's recipe for success,’ says Mike Römer, prevention consultant at TK.

‘We want to bring our expertise in health promotion to the universities as precisely and effectively as possible. We can do this particularly successfully if we exchange ideas from different perspectives. At the same time, each individual university contributes valuable experience from which the other universities and we can learn. The many years of trusting collaboration is also an enrichment for TK.’

At the heart of the exchange forum are thematic face-to-face or online meetings and specialist conferences, each of which results in specific measures. Members also exchange information in an interactive information forum.

Representatives of the exchange forum work closely with the university management. This is why the Thuringian Conference of State Presidents has decided to become a member of the State Health Conference. This is a first in Germany. As a first success of this networking, the target group of students was included in the target system of the Thuringian Health Conference.

The focus of the new cooperation period is to integrate health promotion even more deeply and naturally into the universities.

‘Workplace health management, i.e. how do I make work more health-promoting for my employees, and student health management are already familiar concepts at most universities and are also practised in some cases. Universities are currently undergoing enormous change processes. One aim of the health coordinators is to support these processes in a way that promotes health, to think more inclusively and comprehensively and to combine cross-cutting issues such as sustainability, diversity and internationalisation more effectively.
Establishing this type of university health management at Thuringian universities is ambitious. However, with the funding of the exchange forum for the next three years, I am confident that we will be able to support and accompany the universities on their path to university health management,’ says Andrea Krieg, head of the Healthy Universities in Thuringia - Exchange Forum “From University to University” project.

The Healthy Universities in Thuringia - Exchange Forum ‘From University to University ’ project is a network of Thuringian universities, the Thuringian Student Union and the representatives for health promotion in the university sector, which was launched in 2017. As a health partner, TK supports the exchange forum both financially and professionally.