Study healthy - Student health management
Learning difficulties and exam stress, family problems or pressure to succeed have a negative impact on the body and psyche and make it difficult to study successfully. In the protected space of the university, we therefore promote preventive health care for our students.
In particular, we focus on how to deal with psychological and physical stress. With practical offers we want to strengthen the self-confidence of our students and their sovereignty in dealing with their personal resilience.
If you need support in a difficult situation or would like to talk to someone, we are happy to help. On the page Social Matters and Counseling you will find offers of help and contact persons.
Mental Health Week
Tauche ein in die Welt der mentalen Gesundheit und sei bei der Mental Health Week
Vom 07. bis 11. Oktober 2024 dreht sich in vielfältigen, digitalen Formaten alles rund
um deine mentale Gesundheit und darum, wie du sie stärken kannst. Denn: „Es gibt
keine Gesundheit ohne mentale Gesundheit.“
Vertiefe dein Wissen in Workshops, lasse dich inspirieren in spannenden Keynotes,
freue dich auf exklusive Interviews und nutze die praktischen Energizer, um
deinen Körper und Geist zu beleben!
Der aktuelle Zeitplan steht hier zum Download bereit (PDF).
Der Link zur Anmeldung befindet sich hier.
Current offers of the University Sports Centercan be found here
Lecture Music & Health 2
Dr. med. Katja Regenspurger
Fridays, 11:15 a.m. -12:45 p.m. (start 12 April 2024)
Lecture hall, hochschulzentrum am horn
Registration via Moodle:
Alexander Technique
Elisabeth and Helmut Rennschuh
Mondays, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
(Kick-off event 12 April 2024, start 15 April 2024)
Ensemble room 312, Palais hall
Registration via the BUW University Sports Centre
Verena Skuk
Tuesdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m. (start 16 April 2024)
Jakobsplan 1
Registration via the BUW University Sports Centre
Acute consultation for musicians at the Hufeland-Klinikum
For diseases of the musculoskeletal system for musicians, artists and sportspeople
Daily 11:00-12:00 a.m. and daily except Fridays 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Registration under Tel. 03643-773838
Can be used by students and teachers. A referral is necessary.