
Do you need help? Have you experienced something in your daily university life that has bothered you, hurt you, or caused you fear? Overwhelming situations can occur in higher education programs, and it’s important to find the right support. Abuse, harassment and discrimination can take many different forms - none of which are tolerated! Whatever you’ve experienced, you don’t have to go through it alone.

Here you will find a collection of contacts that offer professional advice, help, and information. Feel free to reach out anytime. You are not alone! We are here to help you. Do not hesitate to contact us with study-related or personal struggles.

The contact persons are not bound by any directives (Thuringia Higher Education Act §§6,7), but are committed to providing an open, fair, inclusive and safe university environment for all students and employees. Each of the listed contacts will treat your concerns confidentially and anonymously. The topics discussed, as well as your personal information, will remain strictly between you and the contact person.

Together, we can find the best way to support you in difficult times.

Contact persons for students

Student Council

The students are represented at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar by the Student Coucil (StuRa).

The Student Council (StuRa) consists of seven members who are elected by the students of the HfM for one year at the end of the summer semester. We meet every Monday from 7:00 p.m. during the lecture period. All meetings are open to the public and attendance is expressly encouraged. You can (but do not have to) register via stura(at)hfm-weimar.de 

Current information from the StuRa can be found at https://www.instagram.com/sturahfm/ and in our regular newsletter (Klopapier).

You can find the latest minutes at https://moodledok.hfm-weimar.de/  

The StuRa is divided into different departments, each headed by a member. Some of these departments are supported by working groups in which all students can get involved, among others the AG Awareness.

Further information about the student council

AG Awareness

The Awareness working group is an independent working group of students. It is formally affiliated with the university's student council (StuRa) and currently consists of six active members. It is committed to preventing and fighting all forms of discrimination in everyday life at the university and campaigns for respectful interaction, a constructive feedback culture and against the abuse of power. To achieve this, it is in contact with the university management and the committees for equality. 

It also acts as an advisory centre for students by students. The group can be contacted by email: hfm.awareness(at)m18.uni-weimar.de, on Instagram: @hfm_ag.awareness and every Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in room 021 in the Fürstenhaus (only during lecture periods). 

Further information on the AG Awareness

Student Counsellors in case of discrimination and (sexual) harassment

Lea Ray und Marius Machill

E-Mail: vertrauenspersonen(at)m18.uni-weimar.de

Alternative contact:
Digital anonymous mailbox

Psychosocial counselling

Students can also get psychosocial counselling from the Studierendenwerk Thüringen. The counselling service is free of charge and is also available in English.

Contact person for psychosocial counselling in Weimar:

Annett Kretschmer
Phone: +49 (0)3643 | 581 680
E-mail: psb-weimar(at)stw-thueringen.de  

Contact persons for all university members

Diversity officer

  • Prof. Meike Britt  Hübner
    Photo: Alexander Burzik

    Prof. Meike Britt Hübner

    Professor of Music and Movement Education/ Eurhythmics

    Principal of Elementary Music Pedagogy/ Eurhythmics

    Diversity Officer

    Member of the Advisory Council for Equal Opportunities

    Office hours: Tuesdays 9.00 to 10.00 am and by appointment
    currently via Webex, registration by e-mail

    Forum "Diversity": Wednesdays 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and by appointment
    currently via Webex, registration by e-mail

    Hochschulzentrum am Horn
    More information

Equal opportunities officer

Complaints Office according to General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)

  • Manuela  Brand
    Photo: Alexander Burzik

    Manuela Brand

    Head of Human Resources/ Development

    AGG Complaints Office

    Personnel Planning and Staff Development | Appointments
    Verwaltungsgebäude – Standort Kaufstraße
    Room: 322
    +49 3643 | 555 185

Contact for disabled members of the LISZT University

Commissioner for foreigners

  • Prof. Dr. Jascha  Nemtsov
    Photo: Rut Sigurdardottir

    Prof. Dr. Jascha Nemtsov

    Professor of Musicology, History of Jewish Music

    Officer for Foreigners

    Office hours: In the summer semester 2024 on Wednesdays 12:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. by telephone.

    Hochschulzentrum am Horn
    More information

Staff council


What is discrimination?

Discrimination occurs when people are disadvantaged based on a protected characteristic. According to the law (German General Equal Treatment Act - AGG) and the related anti-discrimination directive of the university, protected characteristics include:

  • → Ethnic origin or racial attributions
  • → Gender
  • → Religion or belief
  • → Age
  • → Sexual identity
  • → Chronic illness or disability

There are also efforts by associations and policymakers to expand the listed categories. For example: to include

  • → regional origin
  • → parenthood/care responsibility
  • → social status
  • → physical characteristics

What is harassment?

Harassment, as defined in § 3 (3) of the AGG, refers to unwanted behavior that intends to or results in violating the dignity of the person concerned, and creating a hostile environment. This includes both verbal and non-verbal behaviors. An environment is considered hostile when the incidents exceed a certain threshold of severity, to the point that the affected person’s wellbeing is impaired. An example of harassment could be an employee repeatedly making homophobic jokes towards a colleague, causing humiliation and hostility in the work environment.

Sexual harassment (§ 3 (4) AGG) occurs when harassment is based on sexual motives. Unlike harassment under § 3 (3) AGG, a single act is sufficient for sexual harassment (a hostile environment is not required), as the intrusion into the personal sphere is particularly serious.

What is bullying?

Bullying refers to behavior that violates the dignity of the person concerned, especially when it creates an environment characterized by intimidation, hostility, humiliation, degradation, or insults.

Bullying is typically characterized by recurring incidents. Unlike discrimination, bullying is not necessarily linked to an attribution of characteristics.

Who can I turn to with my concerns?

You can get in touch with one of the contact points listed above. Other possible support systems through the university include:

  • → the Diversity, Equal Opportunities, or Foreign Affairs officers
  • → the representative for people with disabilities 
  • → the Staff Council 

If you wish to reach out to other students, contact details of student representatives are also provided. Additionally, you can seek psychosocial counseling through the Student Services Thuringia.

All contact details are listed above.

When should I seek help?

You do not have to face the situation alone. Talk to a trusted person and/or one of the contact points listed here.

Complaints can be made for both disadvantages and (sexual) harassment originating from professors, lecturers, employees, as well as actions between employees and students.

Will the contact point take action even if I don't want it?

No. You determine what happens with your concern. The matter will be treated confidentially, and further steps will only be taken upon your request.

Will my information be treated confidentially?

Your concern will be treated confidentially by the selected contact person and will not be disclosed to third parties.

Can I remain anonymous?

For anonymous contact, you can use two "anonymous mailboxes", which you find here:

Digital Anonymous Mailbox of the Diversity Officer

Digital Anonymous Mailbox of the Student Counsellors

If you approach these specific contact persons, your data will be treated confidentially and will not be disclosed.

What can I do?

Abuse of power, harassment, and discrimination can take various forms. If possible, document all relevant information, report the incident, and seek help.

Do not hesitate to contact one of the mentioned contact points to receive assistance as soon as possible.

Can I prepare for a contact?

Here's how you can prepare for a consultation:

  • → Document all relevant information to get a clear overview of your complaint.
  • → If possible, formulate your complaint in writing to ensure that you capture all the important points.

These preparatory steps will help the contact person provide helpful and productive advice.

  • University
  • Applying
  • Studying
  • Working
  • Giving
  • Visiting
  • Reporting
  • Examinations office

    Office hours

    Tuesday and Thursday

    9.00 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.