Presentations | Lectures | Discussions


Man, music, machine - why we should engage musically with AI

Date: Monday, 27 May 2024
Time: 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Venue: University of Music Weimar, Fürstenhaus, Senatssaal (1st floor) and in the stream
Registration for online participation at: gute.lehre(at)   

AI technologies are on everyone's lips and are changing our society to a great extent. What significance do AI technologies have for our society and for art? What contribution can art and artists make to this socially relevant topic? When is artistic work with AI more than just the use of a new toolbox and what does all this mean for teaching? 

In his keynote speech, Julian Stahl (Kulturstiftung des Bundes) will take an inquisitive and critical look at current developments using various examples from art and music and reflect on the social relevance of AI with regard to the development of artistic projects and innovative concert formats.

In a subsequent panel discussion, he will discuss important aspects of AI and art with Moritz Wehrmann (Bauhaus University Weimar) and Benjamin Püllen (University of Music Weimar student). Moritz Wehrmann is an artistic assistant at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. In his teaching and his own creative work, he deals intensively with questions of generative AI.

Speakers: Julian Stahl (German Federal Cultural Foundation, Advisor for Digitality as Cultural Practice), Moritz Wehrmann (Bauhaus University Weimar), Benjamin Püllen (University of Music Weimar, Master of Singing & Arts Management) | Moderation: Dorothea Warneck (University of Music Weimar)

When AI composes - music from the computer

Date: Tuesday, 11 June 2024
Time: 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Venue: University of Music Weimar, Fürstenhaus, Senatssaal (1st floor) and in the stream
Registration for online participation at: gute.lehre(at) 

On Tuesday, 11 June 2024, Alexander Vaughan (University of Music Weimar) will present his generative AI music software SwanSonic, which generates classical orchestral music. He will also reflect on the question of how the artistic process of composing changes when generative AI tools are used and how SwanSonic can be used profitably in teaching.

He will then discuss with Carsten Dufner (University of Music Weimar) and others how the classical music business must/will change and adapt if AI-generated music increasingly comes onto the market and, at least for the time being, catches on with audiences because it is new and unknown. How will concert formats and programmes as well as music education formats change? And what does this mean for the further development of teaching in artistic subjects or Arts Management programmes?

AI in studying & teaching (workshop reports)

16 January 2024, 5:30 p.m.
Fürstenhaus, Senate Hall & online

Lea Jung (HfMT Cologne, University of Siegen)
Sebastian Eck (HfM Weimar)
Moderation: Dorothea Warneck

In the keynote lecture by Lea Jung, a series of seminars will be presented that uses the figure of the cyborg as inspiration for the examination of these and other (musical) human-machine connections and discusses the resulting challenges: Questions of authorship and copyright, gendered connotations of technology, the emancipatory potential of digital spaces and biases in collaboration with AI.

The keynote speech by Sebastian Eck shows how tools such as ChatGPT can be effectively integrated into the academic writing process of students and help to compensate for disadvantages such as individual writing difficulties. ChatGPT offers suggestions for text structures based on self-written key points, enables a dialogue-based exchange of ideas and can check not only spelling and grammar, but also the logical coherence of written texts.

A reflective and self-confident use of ChatGPT can enable students to utilise the advantages of this technology without compromising the quality and authenticity of their academic work.

AI in music lessons - tools in practice

30 January 2024, 9:00 a.m.
Monastery building Am Palais, adjoining room (no. 112) & online

Tobias Rotsch (HfM Trossingen)
Moderation: Anna Wolf (HfM Weimar)

The practice-orientated and interactive event deals with the question of which concrete applications of artificial intelligence are conceivable in music lessons. Which AI tools are already being used by musicians, teachers or students and how do they work?

Using application examples of AI music and generative AI platforms, Tobias Rotsch will present and discuss possibilities for practice-oriented use in teaching-learning scenarios.


AI as a teacher and lecturer in tomorrow's music lessons?

Wednesday, 6 December 2023
4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Senatssaal Fürstenhaus

Keynote speech and panel discussion with an open discussion round with Junior Prof. Dr. Johannes Treß (Freiburg University of Education) and Prof. Dr. Anna Wolf (Weimar University of Music)

Moderation: Dorothea Warneck (HfM Weimar)

The event is open to the public. Please register via this link

The debate on artificial intelligence has now arrived in classrooms across Germany. This also raises a number of questions from a music education perspective: What role can, may and should AI play in contemporary music lessons? How do music teachers deal with this technological transformation process? What are the consequences for music teaching studies? The Australian educational scientist Neil Selwyn already provocatively formulated in 2019: "Should Robots Replace Teachers?"

AI and scientific writing: Who writes the better term paper?

Tuesday, 21 November 2023
5:30 -7:00 p.m.
Senatssaal Fürstenhaus

Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Peter Braun (Head of the Writing Center at Friedrich Schiller University Jena), Prof. Dr. Martin Pfleiderer (Professor of the History of Jazz and Popular Music, HfM Weimar) and Constanze Zacharias (Musicology student, HfM Weimar)

Moderation: Dr. Jens Ewen (Vice President HfM Weimar)

The event is open to the university public. Please register via this link

In academic disciplines, new knowledge is gained through the reception and production of texts. We naturally assume that this happens through people: Research, text production, perception and creative processing by humans has been a cornerstone of science to date. Our understanding of authorship and scientific creativity is based on this idea. However, various forms of artificial intelligence can now support these tasks or even take them over completely.

What does this mean for the scientific self-image? What are the benefits and dangers of this rapid and unsettling development? How should we react as a university, where can and should we actively shape developments? What will written examinations look like in our degree programs in the future? And how do teachers and students need to be equipped to deal with AI?

Why Mozart, Liszt & Co. have more to do with AI bots than you think

Tuesday, June 13, 2023
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Senatssaal Fürstenhaus

Impulse lecture: ChatGPT and its implications for university teaching (Ludwig Finster, FH Erfurt)

Panel discussion with Prof. Jörn Arnecke, Prof. Ekhart Wycik, Alexander Vaughan and student representatives

Moderation: Dorothea Warneck

The event is open to the university public.

For half a year now, the news about ChatGPT and other text-generative AI bots has been flying. The rapid development of AI writing tools will permanently change teaching, learning and testing also at the Weimar University of Music. These challenges have to be faced and answers to questions have to be found: How will written (final) papers be handled in the future? How can exams be assessed fairly in the future? How can ChatGPT be used and approved as a useful tool? What competencies do students and teachers need for a productive and critical handling of AI bots?