Publications by professors and employees

On this page we present an overview of the publication series and periodicals to which the colleagues at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT contribute. A detailed overview of all publications can be found in the respective CVs of our teachers.

Publication series

Publication series of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar. Edited by Michael Klaper and Tiago de Oliveira Pinto. Vienna 2013ff..

Since 2013, the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar has regularly published research papers from various areas of musicological work. Initially edited by Detlef Altenburg and in the meantime by Christiane Wiesenfeldt and Tiago de Oliveira Pinto, the latter and Michael Klaper are now responsible for the publications in the series.

KlangZeiten - Musik, Politik und Gesellschaft. Edited by Michael Berg and Albrecht v. Massow Cologne, Weimar, Vienna: Böhlau 2004ff.

The series KlangZeiten - Musik, Politik und Gesellschaft (SoundTimes - Music, Politics and Society), which has been in existence since 2004, emerged from musicological and interdisciplinary research into German-German cultural history between 1945 and 1989. Some of the 14 volumes published to date are accompanied by CDs, which are intended to arouse curiosity about little-known music. The range of topics covered by the series was intended to be broader from the outset, so that volumes on other historical phases and cultures are now also available or in planning.

Published in 2018:

Volume 14: Nina Noeske, Matthias Tischer (Hg.), Ruth Berghaus und Paul Dessau Komponieren – Choreographieren – Inszenieren.

Jüdische Musik: Studien und Quellen zur jüdischen Musikkultur. Edited by Jascha Nemtsov. Wiesbaden (Harrassowitz) 2004ff.

The series brings together monographs, anthologies and source publications on the history and theory of Jewish music. The topics covered range from klezmer and aspects of synagogue music to the history of the "New Jewish School" in art music, which has been systematically researched for the first time. With its thematic breadth, quality and innovation, the growing book series represents a unique compendium and contributes to further establishing Jewish music culture as a field of research.

Published in 2018:

Volume 15: Julian Krein: Notizen aus meinem musikalischen Leben (= Jüdische Musik. Studien und Quellen zur jüdischen Musikkultur, Band 15), edited by Jascha Nemtsov (together with Antonina Klokova), Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2018.

Paraphrasen - Weimarer Beiträge zur Musiktheorie. Published by the Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar. Hildesheim: Olms

The title "Paraphrases" is a tribute to the namesake of the Weimar University: Franz Liszt created early connections between composition, sounding analysis of works, mediation and interpretation in his piano paraphrases. In this tradition, the series is dedicated to important music theory topics and offers in-depth insights into the development and analysis of musical concepts. Each volume in the series focuses on a specific aspect of music theory.

One exemplary work is Helmut Well's investigation of the organization of sound from the 16th to the 18th century, which analyses the theoretical concepts of this period - such as scale, chord and function - in the context of musical practice. Another volume sheds light on the life and work of Siegmund von Hausegger, an important representative of the Munich School. The author Florian A. Kleissle integrates biographical aspects into a differentiated examination of the composer's symphonic works.

Each volume in the "Paraphrases" series thus contains well-founded music-theoretical analyses and is aimed at music theorists and scholars as well as anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the theoretical foundations of music.

Published in 2024:
Volume 8: Marcus Aydintan, Libretti von Reinhard Febel. Benjamin Button und andere Werke, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 2024.

Published in 2022:
Volume 7: Florian A. Kleissle, Aufklänge. Der Komponist und Dirigent Siegmund von Hausegger, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 2022.

Published in 2019:
Volume 6: Helmut Well, Skala - Akkord - Funktion. Theoriegeschichtliche und satztechnische Aspekte der Klangorganisation vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 2019.

Weimarer Studien zu Kulturpolitik und Kulturökonomie (WSKK). Edited by Steffen Höhne [Weimar-Jena] and Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn [Lüneburg]. Leipzig (Universitätsverlag) 2005ff.

The series, which has been in existence since 2005, is dedicated to cultural policy, cultural sociology and cultural economics issues, focusing on the actors and institutions in the cultural sector as well as cultural systems.

Intellektuelles Prag im 19. und 20. Jahrhun-dert. Edited by Steffen Höhne [Weimar-Jena], Alice Stašková [Jena] and Václav Petrbok [Prague]. Cologne, Weimar, Vienna (Böhlau) 2011ff.

The series Intellectual Prague in the 19th and 20th Centuries is dedicated to the diverse developments in the history of ideas, literature and culture between Germans, Jews, Czechs and others in Prague, but also beyond in the Bohemian Lands and Central Europe as a whole. The series is guided by the realization that Prague's intellectual climate can be assigned paradigmatic, i.e. pan-European significance. Not least against dominant, bipolar narratives in multi-ethnic urban societies between isolation and symbiosis, the series aims to focus on cultural interferences, ambiguities and ambivalences and thus on intermediate spaces of condensed transcultural communication.

Höhne, Steffen/Stašková, Alice (hgg.): Kafka und die Musik (= Intellektuelles Prag im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, 12). Cologne, Weimar, Vienna (Böhlau) 2018.


Brücken. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Tschechien-Slowakei

Edited on behalf of the DAAD by Ingeborg Fiala-Fürst [Olomouc], Steffen Höhne (managing editor) [Weimar-Jena], Barbara Mertins [Dortmund], Roman Mikulaš [Bratislava] and Milan Tvrdík [Prague]. Prague (Lidové noviny) 1982ff.; N.F. 1991ff.
The yearbook brücken is divided into the sections literature, linguistics and cultural studies. Central research areas of the yearbook are: Prague German literature, German-Bohemian, German-Moravian and German-Slovakian literature; literary-cultural interrelations between the Czech lands and Slovakia and the German-speaking countries; linguistic topics, especially in the context of contrastive and intercultural perspectives and language contact research, cultural-historical relations between Czechs, Slovaks, Germans, Austrians and others, as well as works on journalism and the history of science.

Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement: Kunst, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft / Journal of Cultural Management: Arts, Economics, Policy

Edited (managing) by Steffen Höhne [Weimar-Jena] and Martin Tröndle [Friedrichshafen]. Bielefeld: Transcript

The Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement is an international and interdisciplinary academic periodical with a peer-review process. The aim of the journal is to promote the theoretical and methodological foundation of the subject of cultural management within the academic field. To this end, the Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement prefers to publish articles that deepen the discourse in the field and examine practices and current problems in cultural organizations and cultural policy. The Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement stands for methodological and theoretical plurality. It is aimed at researchers, students and practitioners in the fields of applied cultural studies, art and cultural sociology, cultural management, cultural economics and cultural policy.

The booklets were published in 2018:

Volume 4/1: Zts. für Kulturmanagement. Kunst, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft / Journal of Cultural Management, Arts, Economics, Policy. Schwerpunkt: Kultur im Umbruch. Edited by Steffen Höhne, Leticia Labaronne, Bruno Seger and Martin Tröndle, on behalf of the Fachverband für Kulturmanagement.

Volume 4/2: Zts. für Kulturmanagement. Kunst, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Schwerpunkt: Wirtschaftsästhetik. Edited by Steffen Höhne and Martin Tröndle, on behalf of the Fachverband für Kulturmanagement.

Forum Liszt

Following on from the Liszt-Nachrichten, the German Liszt Society publishes an annual members' magazine entitled Forum Liszt. The editor is the President of the German Liszt Society, Prof. Dr. Albrecht v. Massow; the editors are Gabriele Maria Fischer M. A. and Michael Straeter M. A. The Forum Liszt offers articles, discussions and information. In conjunction with other activities of the German Liszt Society, it is intended to highlight Franz Liszt's music and musical philosophy from four perspectives:

Liszt und die Moderne

Liszt und die Tradition

Liszt interkulturell

Liszt intermedial

The first issue, published in fall 2018, focuses on Franz Liszt's intercultural philosophy of music, which will be continued in the second issue in 2019. If the content of the contributions received and solicited allows, further topics will focus on Liszt's sacred aesthetics, Liszt interpretation and Liszt in the university anniversary year 2022.