Student counselling
Here you will find some general information compiled by the FSR, which is especially interesting for students in the first semester, but also for higher semesters.
If you have questions about specific modules, please contact the respective module coordinator.
You may also call us for further information about the programmes offered by the Department of Musicology, or with queries concerning the application process. We also strongly recommend that applicants contact the Academic Advisory Service in order to have a personal conversation about the career options and opportunities which are opened up by the choice of certain minor subjects (in the B.A. programmes) or specialisations (in the M.A. programmes).
Prof. Dr. Albrecht v. Massow (Studiengangleiter)
for students of the Department of Musicology (general questions)
for prospective students B. A. Musicology
for prospective students M. A. Musicology
for students of the Bachelor of Music
(Module Music History I and II)
for students of the Bachelor of Education
for students of the Bachelor of Music
(Modul Professionalisierung II - Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen)
for students of the Master of Music
(Profil Musikwissenschaft im Master „Künstlerische Professionalisierung mit Profil“)
for students of the Master of Education and Double-major in Music
Dipl.-Volksw., Dipl.-Kult.Man. Kerstin Gerth
for Arts Management
(Masters Arts Management and B.A. IME)
for Musik Theory