Hochschulzentrum am Horn

Carl-Alexander-Platz 1 / Leibnizallee
99425 Weimar
City map with adress Hochschulzentrum (PDF, German)
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8.00 am – 6.00 pm (no restrictions)
Monday to Sunday 7.00 am – 10.00 pm (access with chip card)
You will find the following offices and rooms at the Hochschulzentrum am Horn
The LISZT UNIVERSITY archive | Thuringian state music archive: basement
Faculty II, Dean's office: ground floor, room 024
Faculty III, Dean's office: ground floor, room 001
Secretariat for the Department of Musicology Weimar-Jena: fourth floor, room 403
Musicology library: fourth floor, room 409
Office of the Arts management department: fourth floor, room 408
Music theory offices: second floor, rooms 205–207
Teaching rooms for the following departments
Department of Wind / Brass Instruments and Percussion
Department of Conducting and Opera Coaching
Department of New Music and Jazz (Jazz study programme)
Department of Musicology Weimar-Jena, with Arts Management
Department of Music Education and Church Music (Rhythm Room)
History of the Hochschulzentrum am Horn
Karl Heinrich Ferdinand Streichhan, chief building director in Weimar, built a modern barracks in the historical style and of high architectural value on the heights to the right of the Ilm River between 1854 and 1859, later called the "Weimar Acropolis" because of its location above the city. The last soldiers - Soviet or Russian since 1945 - moved out here in 1993. After several years of renovation with partial financing from the European Union, several study areas have been using the modern, soundproofed rooms ("room-in-room" situation) of what is now the Hochschulzentrum am Horn of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar since the end of 2001. The name signals that this is by far the largest building at the university.
Wind and percussion players, conductors, jazz musicians, musicologists and arts managers have their training facilities here. In addition, courses in music theory and musicology are held here for the entire university. The west tower houses the musicological library on four floors, while the university archive / Thuringian State Music Archive is located on the first floor. Opposite, two dormitories of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen (Thuringia Student Union) invite you to make yourself at home here.