Jenaer Str. 3
99425 Weimar

City map with adress Altenburg (PDF, German)

You will find the following offices and rooms at the ALTENBURG:
President's office: first and second floor (secretariat, offices of the president and the vice-presidents)
Academic quality and development: ground floor, room 001 to 004
International Office: ground floor, room 012

Liszt-Salon: first floor
Exhibition 'Liszt, the Altenburg and Europe': first floor

History of the ALTENBURG
The ALTENBURG is located in the Jenaer street which lies just outside of Weimar's city centre beyond the Ilm park. It was built in 1810–1811 and during the years following 1848, Princess Carolyne of Sayn Wittgenstein and her husband, Franz Liszt, lived there. The energetic artistic and cultural / political commitment of the celebrated musician, as well as the social radiance of his noble friends soon made the ALTENBURG a centre for the intellectual exchange of ideas of artists and those interested in culture from both Germany and foreign countries.

After an eventful history the ALTENBURG is once again enjoying a prominent position in cultural circles. Since 1989, through the Musikpädagogik ( the former orchestral school founded by Franz Liszt) along with the Franz Liszt Society e.V., the building has become a central location for research regarding Liszt as well as a meeting place for artists from all world.

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