Rößlersches Haus - Administration building

Platz der Demokratie 2/3
99423 Weimar
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 6:30am – 5:00pm
You will find the following offices in the administration building
Chancellor's office: third floor, rooms 304 and 305
Events office: ground floor, rooms 001 to 003
Academic and student affairs: first floors, rooms 101 to 106
IT: rooms 209 and 307
Media and editorial office: second floor, rooms 201 and 206
Marketing: second floor, rooms 204 and 205
Lawyer's office: third floor, rooms 301 to 303
Print media office: ground floor, room 005
History of the Rößlersches Haus
The administration building of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, located just to the north-west of the main building 'Fürstenhaus' embodies a contradiction in that the building has a massive facade whereas the building itself is actually quite narrow. This fact can only be attributed to its somewhat complicated historical development (as well as to state protection of historical monuments). Originally there were three buildings there – the 'Fürstenkeller' facing the market to the north, a building to the rear and a small connecting wooden building used as a stall. After the fire of 1774 in the castle, when the ducal family moved into the Fürstenhaus, the square which was gradually developing in front of the Fürstenhaus needed a defining border to the west – to the east there was the Grünes Schloss (which houses the library today). Instead of creating a new building from scratch, it was decided in 1785 to build a so-called curtain facade onto the exterior of the buildings which were already there. Behind the facade the buildings grew together over centuries while serving various uses. After colonnades were built onto the Fürstenhaus in 1889, the Rößlersches Haus needed a contemporary substantiation; this was realised in 1891 and 1892. The large balcony in the centre was removed in the middle of the 20th century.
From 1909 to 1936 the building was owned by the Rößler family, it was then bought by the government for use by the police and turned into an administration building. In 1951 it was given to the LISZT UNIVERSITY along with the Fürstenhaus and began serving as the administration building. During restoration lasting all the way up until 1999, the process of making it one building had to be completed. Today a modern administration building is situated behind the curtain facade.