
Committees at a glance

University council

The University Council is composed of six external and two internal members with voting rights, as well as the President, who is a member of the University Council in an advisory capacity and has the right to propose motions. The Diversity Officer, the Equal Opportunities Officer and the Chairperson of the University's Staff Council as well as a representative of the central body of the student body are entitled to attend the meetings of the University Council; they each have the right to speak.

Contact: hochschulrat(at) 

Dr. Rüdiger Nolte | former Rector of the University of Music Freiburg i. Br.

Deputy Chairperson
Prof. Dr. Barbara Buchenau, Professor of North American Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen

Further external members
Dr. Stefan Feuerstein | Businessman, Entrepreneur
Peter Gemmeke | Ministerialdirigent
Prof. Annett Matzke | University Professor of Speech at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Internal members
Prof. Claudia Buder | Professor of Accordion
Petra Büchner | Staff member of the Department of Personnel Affairs

Representative of the Ministry
Elke Winter | Officer and Deputy Head of Department at the Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society (TMWWDG)

Advisory members with the right to put forward proposals
Prof. Anne-Kathrin Lindig | president
Prof. Juan Garcia | vice president for performance studies and research
Prof. Dagmar Brauns | vice president for studies and teaching
Dr. Jens Ewen | vice president for digitalisation and internationalisation
Christine Gurk | chancellor

Right to speak and to put forward proposals
Prof. Meike Britt Hübner (diversity officer)
Prof. Bettina Born (equal opportunities officer)
Raphael Jaschke (representative of the students)
Sebastian Walther (chairman of the staff council)

Rebekka Stemmler
Tel. +49 3643 | 555 215
Fax +49 3643 | 555 117



Prof. Anne-Kathrin Lindig

Members according to § 35 (3) of the ThürHG (equal representation)

Dr. Kai Martin
Dr. Nina Noeske
Ekhart Wycik

Student members
Pauline Hillebrandt
Clarissa Mühlhausen
Luca Siede

Academic staff
Mitra Behpoori
Anna Merz
Hannes Pohlit

Administration staff
Lisa Himßler
Christiane Kraft
Signe Pribbernow

Members according to § 35 (4) of the ThürHG (majority of professors)

Jeff Cascaro
Myriam Eichberger
Dr. Steffen Höhne
Uwe Komischke
Dr. Albrecht von Massow
Christoph Ritter
Gero Schmidt-Oberländer

Members according to § 14 (5) of the constitution

Vice presidents
Prof. Dagmar Brauns, Prof. Juan Garcia and Dr. Jens Ewen


Representative of the council
Dr. Rüdiger Nolte

Prof. Dominik Greger (Faculty I)
Prof. Imke David (Faculty II)
Prof. Jörn Arnecke (Faculty III)

Chairman of the staff council
Sebastian Walther

Representative of severely disabled students and employees
Gunnar Krebs

Equal opportunities officer
Prof. Bettina Born

Diversity officer
Prof. Meike Britt Hübner

Artistic director of the centre for highly gifted children
Joan Pagès Valls

Head of the Student Council
Arild Hansen

Rebekka Stemmler
Tel. +49 3643 | 555 215
Fax +49 3643 | 555 117

Committee for Studies and Teaching

The Committee for Studies and Teaching, chaired by the Vice President for Studies and Teaching, is composed of the members of the preparatory subcommittees on Academic Planning and Evaluation.


Vice President for Teaching
Prof. Dagmar Brauns


Teaching and Quality Development Office (LQE)

Subcommittee Study Planning (UAS)

Heads of study programs
Prof. Frank Strauch (Bachelor of Music), substitute: Prof. Achim Kaufmann
Prof. Bettina Bruhn (Master of Music), substitute: Prof. Dr. Friedemann Eichhorn
Prof. Martin Sturm (Diploma of Church Music)
Prof. Dr. Nina Noeske (Bachelor/ Master of Arts), substitution: Prof. Dr. Michael Klaper
Prof. Dr. Kai Martin (Bachelor/ Master of Education, Staatsprüfung Lehramt), substitution: Prof. Kerstin Behnke

Boy Bol (Bachelor/ Master of Music), substitute: Phuong Nguyen
N.N. (Bachelor/ Master of Music), substitute: Gabriel Husson
Arild Hansen (Bachelor/ Master of Education, Staatsprüfung Lehramt): Substitution: Johanna Philipp
Clarissa Mühlhausen (Bachelor/ Master of Arts), substitution: Lea Schäfer-Fuß

Head of Teaching and Quality Development (LQE)
Kathrin Seyferth

Legal Advisor
Claudia Democh

Head of Academic and Student Affairs (ASA)
Dr. Helen Fronius

Subcommittee Evaluation (UAE)

Vice-Deans (Senate representatives for the quality management of the faculties)
Prof. Andreas Lehmann (Faculty I)
Prof. Frank Möbus (Faculty II)
Prof. Dr. Anne Fritzen (Faculty III)

Franziska Schuhmann

Head of Teaching and Quality Development (LQE)
Kathrin Seyferth

Legal Advisor
Claudia Democh

Head of Academic and Student Affairs (ASA)
Dr. Helen Fronius

Examination Committee

Prof. Jörn Arnecke (Dean of Faculty III)

Vice Head
Prof. Maximilian Marcoll (Faculty II)

Other members

Prof. Dagmar Brauns (Vice president of studies and teaching) 
Prof. Christiane Spannhof (Faculty I)Prof. Thorsten Johanns (Faculty I)
Prof. Frank Forst (Faculty I)     Prof. Ulf-Dieter Schaaff (Faculty I)  
Prof. Michail Lifits (Faculty II)    Prof. Martin Sturm (Faculty III)    
Prof. Maximilian Marcoll (Faculty II)    Prof. Bettina Bruhn (Faculty II)    
Prof. Lena Haselmann-Kränzle (Faculty III)    Prof. Kerstin Behnke (Faculty III)
Prof. Dr. Nina Noeske (Faculty III)    Prof. Dr. Albrecht von Massow (Faculty III)    
Hannes Pohlit (Faculty I)    Jonas Brehm (Faculty III)    
Adrian Rieger (student)Arild Hansen (student)

PhD Board


Prof. Dr. Martin Pfleiderer

Further members
Prof. Dr. Michael Klaper (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
Prof. Thomas Müller-Pering (Faculty I)
Prof. Dr. Jascha Nemtsov
Prof. Dr. Albrecht von Massow Dr. Alice Stašková (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
Dr. Lars Klingberg (Research assistant)

Arts management and Music education

Prof. Dr. Steffen Höhne

Further members
Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes (Bauhaus University Weimar | Marketing and Media)
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Eichhorn (Faculty I)
Prof. Dr. Anne Fritzen (Music Education)
Prof. Dr. Kai Martin (Music Education)
Prof. Dr. Martin Pfleiderer (Musicology)
N.N. (Promovierte*r wiss. Mitarbeitende*r)

Further information on the doctoral projects can be found here: 


Diana Zschuppe
hzh, Room 002
Tel. +49 3643 | 555 280
Fax +49 3643 | 555 282

Library committee

Prof. Dagmar Brauns (Vice President for Studies and Teaching)

Members in accordance with the university's basic regulations § 15

Voting members:
Tim Ahlfeld (student of a pedagogical programme)
Christiane Harnisch (Library)
Eva Hermerschmidt (student of a scientific programme)
Prof. Dr. Kai Martin (lecturer in a pedagogical degree programme)
Marco Schewtschenko (student of an artistic programme)
Prof. Thomas Steinhöfel (lecturer in an artistic programme)
Prof. Dr. Anna Wolf (university lecturer in a scientific programme)

Members with an advisory vote: 
Katharina Hofmann (Head of the Library)
Dr Christoph Meixner (Head of the Archive)

Faculty boards

Board of Faculty I

Dean (Head)
Thomas Müller-Pering

University teachers (6 seats)
Jörg Brückner
Thorsten Johanns
Andreas Lehmann
Nicolás Pasquet
Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt
Christian Sprenger

Department directors
Tim Stolzenburg (String Instruments and Harp)
Markus Leoson (Wind/Brass Instruments and Percussion)
Ulrich Vogel (Conducting and Opera Coaching)
Christoph Ritter (Vocal Studies and Theatre)
Ricardo Gallén (Guitar)

Students (5 seats)
Pauline Hildebrandt
Judith Hopfhauer
Timon Knötzele
Alban Matthias
Karl Friedrich Winkelbauer

Employees (5 seats)
Olaf Adler
Cora Brückner-Irsen
Sophio Gigineishvili
Daniel Hoffmann
Kathrin Horn

Board of Faculty II

Dean (Head)
Imke David

Vice Dean (advisory member)
Frank Möbus

University teachers (4 seats)
Bettina Bruhn
Maximilian Marcoll
Frank Möbus
Jo Thönes

Department directors
Michail Lifits (Piano)
Bernhard Klapprott (Early Music)
Claudia Buder (New Music and Jazz)

Students (3 seats)
Oliver Bicanic
Carl Franke
Erik Johann Schuhmacher 

Employees (3 seats)
Susanne Bitar
Manuela Jahn
Hinrich Steinhöfel

Board of Faculty III

Dean (Head)
Jörn Arnecke

Manager (advisory member)
Christiane Kraft

University teachers (3 seats)
Jascha Nemtsov
Dr. Martin Pfleiderer
Martin Sturm

Department directors
Gero Schmidt-Oberländer (Music Education and Church Music)
Dr. Michael Klaper (Musicology Weimar-Jena)

Students (2 seats)
Samuel Glowka
Jessica Kathke​​​​​​​

Employees (2 seats)
Florian Kleissle
Lydia Mühlhause

Contact for disabled members of the LISZT University

Contact for disabled members of the LISZT University
Gunnar Krebs
Piano tuner
Telephone: +49 172 - 3654092 

Deputy contact for disabled members of the LISZT University
Katrin Ulitzsch
Academic Quality and Development
Telephone: +49 3643 | 555 249 

Advisory council for equal opportunities

Elected members

University Teachers | Academic Staff (3 seats)
Faculty I

Faculty II
Prof. Myriam Eichberger

Faculty III
Mitra Behpoori
Research fellow of musicology
Phone: +49 3643 | 555 226

Students (2 seats)
Lea Ray
Alban Matthiaß

Administration staff (2 seats)
Christiane Kraft
Manager of Faculty III
Phone: +49 3643 | 555 281

Marion Meierhöher
University library
Phone: +49 3643 | 555 112

Members by office

Equal opportunities officer (Chair with voting rights)
Prof. Bettina Born
Artistic teacher of repetition

Diversity officer (advisory)
Prof. Meike Britt Hübner
Professor of Music and Movement Education/ Eurhythmics
Phone: +49 3643 | 555 262

Staff Council

Integration team

Within the scope of their responsibilities, the members of the integration team ensure compliance with SGB IX and the framework integration agreement in favour of employees with disabilities or at risk of disability.

The team also supports the reintegration into the work process of employees who have been unfit for work for more than six weeks without interruption or repeatedly within a year in the area of company integration management (BEM). The integration team accompanies the BEM process, i.e. it invites employees to a meeting, moderates and supports the planning of measures.

Members and contact

Manuela Jahn
Manager of Faculty I and II and member of the staff council
Hochschulzentrum am Horn, room 024
Tel. +49 (0)3643 | 555 186

Petra Büchner
Staff of human resources and member of the university council
Administration building (Kaufstraße), room 302
Tel. +49 (0)3643 | 555 157

Nicole Matthes
Staff of human resources and Further Education Officer 
Administration building (Kaufstraße), room 303
Tel. +49 (0)3643 | 555 154

Gunnar Krebs
Piano tuner and contact for disabled members
Klostergebäude Am Palais, Raum 011
Tel. +49 (0)172 - 3654092

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