Make your donation!

You need not be a member of the Liszt Society Germany or the Society of Friends and Benefactors in order to offer your financial support. Your donation can make all the difference, and you may choose to support particular Faculties or projects at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar.

As a public institution, your contribution to the LISZT University will be deductible from taxes according to §10b, 1 EStG. The received donations may be used only for tax-exempt purposes, according to § 52 AO (purposes in the public interest such as education and research), or for the purpose determined by the donator. Your support may be financial or material.

(Please note that a gift-aid certificate can be provided only for certain types of donation.)


In order for your donation to be accepted, it is necessary to send an informal notification to the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar in advance. This must state:

  1. Name and address of the donator
  2. Amount of financial contribution, or designation/value of material donation (proforma invoice)
  3. Intended recipient (e. g. department, professor)
  4. Intended purpose
  5. Request for a gift-aid certificate (please note that a gift-aid certificate can be provided only for certain types of donation)



University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar
Postfach 25 52
99406 Weimar