What is Corporate health management?

Alongside providing health-related skills, Corporate health management also encompasses the systematic, sustainable integration of health promotion, with the objective of creating healthy overarching conditions for all interest groups.

Within the university, this is about developing structures and processes, so that research and art, teaching, studies and administration can be shaped in a health-conscious manner.

A health-conscious university is a complex social system with a resource-based approach to thinking and action, and a holistic view of the issue of health.

Links and tips

Codex "Gesunde Hochschulen in Thüringen" (‘Healthy universities in Thuringia’)
Download the Codex (PDF)

Okanagan Charter - an international charter for health-conscious universities
Download the Charter (PDF)

‘Gesunde Hochschulen in Thüringen’ (‘Healthy universities in Thuringia’) discussion forum

Federal Centre for Health Education