How to apply

How does the application process work?

The timeline for the application and selection process at the University of Music can be found in this overview:

Graphical representation of the application process (in German)

Please use this to guide you through the individual steps.

Is the application online?

From the application phase for the winter semester 2024/2025, applications will be paperless and purely digital.

Online application portal

Further questions and answers

What documents do I need to submit?

The application documents are uploaded to the application portal. The documents consist of the following:

→ Application form

→ Curriculum vitae in tabular form

→ Aptitude test programme for the main subject and scores (please with name, surname application number and instrument)

→ Proof of university entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur) or a declaration that this is expected before the start of the programme

→ Proof of a completed university degree (if applying for a postgraduate programme) or a declaration that this is expected before the start of the programme 

→ for minors: → Declaration of consent from the legal guardian (German, PDF)

→ Proof of payment of the aptitude test fee; please note: not all degree programmes have an aptitude test, see last point on this page: → What does my application cost?

By when do I have to apply?

Applications and aptitude tests are possible in the summer and winter semesters.

You can find the current dates and deadlines here: → Dates and deadlines

What special features do international students need to be aware of?

Visa: Applicants who do not come from an EU country require a visa for study purposes. This must be applied for at the German Embassy in your home country: → More information

German language skills: You must be able to prove your German language skills to us by the time you enrol at the latest. We accept the following certificates for artistic or instrumental pedagogy degree programmes: TestDaF3, DSH 1, Goethe Institut B2 and Telc B2. (→ More information) For academic and teaching-related degree programmes, we accept TestDaF4, DSH2 and Goethe Institut C1 and Telc C1. For the doctoral programme, you also need sufficient knowledge of German and, depending on your chosen subject area, knowledge of other foreign languages. All language certificates must be submitted in the original or as a notarised copy.

Documents: Foreign qualifications, certificates and the like must be submitted in certified German or English.

What does my application cost?

A fee of 50 euros is charged for aptitude tests. You can transfer this fee to this account during the application phase: 

Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT Weimar  
IBAN: DE91 8205 0000 3004 4443 07
Bank: Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
Intended use: 
Line 1: 2005724 Eignungsprüfungsgebühr
Line: BNR: XXXX Surname, first name

In these cases the fee will be charged:

artistic degree programmes: Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, Concert Examination, Continuing Education Programme

educational degree programmes: First state examination for the teaching profession, Bachelor of Education, Master of Education

academic degree programmes: Bachelor of Arts EF Music Practice and Master of Arts Profile Music Practice, Profile Music Theory

No aptitude test or aptitude assessment is carried out for the following application procedures and therefore no fee is charged:

academic degree programmes: Bachelor of Arts KF Musicology, EF Musicology, EF Intercultural Music and Event Management, Master of Arts Musicology and Master of Arts Cultural Management