A fee of 50 euros is charged for aptitude tests. You can transfer this fee to this account during the application phase:
Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT Weimar
IBAN: DE91 8205 0000 3004 4443 07
Bank: Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
Intended use:
Line 1: 2005724 Eignungsprüfungsgebühr
Line: BNR: XXXX Surname, first name
In these cases the fee will be charged:
→ artistic degree programmes: Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, Concert Examination, Continuing Education Programme
→ educational degree programmes: First state examination for the teaching profession, Bachelor of Education, Master of Education
→ academic degree programmes: Bachelor of Arts EF Music Practice and Master of Arts Profile Music Practice, Profile Music Theory
No aptitude test or aptitude assessment is carried out for the following application procedures and therefore no fee is charged:
→ academic degree programmes: Bachelor of Arts KF Musicology, EF Musicology, EF Intercultural Music and Event Management, Master of Arts Musicology and Master of Arts Cultural Management