University archive | Thuringian Regional Music Archive
"The tallest towers start with the foundations"
Thomas A. Edison
The University Archive | Thuringian State Music Archive Weimar (HSA | ThLMA), with its valuable collections of files and sheet music, forms an important foundation for the academic study of music and cultural history in Central Germany.
Thuringia's musical treasure trove
The archive of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar was founded on 1 October 1995 as an interim and final archive. It emerged from the holdings of the university's administrative archive and the former Department of Folk Music Research and therefore contains extensive materials on the history of the university (administrative, personnel and student files, departmental files) and older scientific collections.
Since 2001, as the Thuringian Regional Music Archive under the supervision of the Chair of Historical Musicology, it has taken on the additional task of a collection centre for valuable historical music collections in Thuringia. Through a framework agreement concluded in 2002 with the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM), the HSA | ThLMA also supports the Thuringian parishes as an important co-operation partner in safeguarding and cataloguing their valuable music collections. Some particularly valuable collections have therefore already been transferred to the fully air-conditioned stacks on permanent loan.
Thuringia's rich music treasury contains music archives from almost eight centuries, including the historical music collection of the German National Theatre (18th-20th century), numerous adjuvant archives from Thuringian parishes (16th-19th century), the music collection of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Musikverein (ADMV), many composers' estates, the Thuringian folk song archive, an ethnological instrument collection and an extensive sound archive.
As an information centre for Thuringian music history, it provides (sometimes rare) secondary literature and scientific collections of various kinds and, together with its cooperation partners, offers the institutional basis for effective networking of regional music history-oriented research initiatives.
The HSA | ThLMA is also home to an office of the International Encyclopaedia of Musical Sources (RISM). Music manuscripts from the 17th and 18th centuries from the archive's holdings and from other selected libraries and archives in Thuringia are catalogued here and can be accessed via the RISM internet database.
The use
The University Archive | Thuringian Regional Music Archive makes its holdings available for official, scientific, journalistic and educational purposes as well as for the defence of legitimate personal interests, provided that the interests of persons or third parties worthy of protection are not impaired or the purpose of the use significantly outweighs the interests worthy of protection.
Use is governed by the archive regulations. Finding aids, indexes of persons and subject indexes are available for inspection when using the archive.
Like all archives, the HSA|ThLMA has three primary tasks to fulfil when working on and with the existing holdings:
- ⇒ securing, preserving and adding to the holdings,
- ⇒ cataloguing them through computer-assisted indexing and using them,
- ⇒ public relations work.
The HSA | ThLMA provides numerous users with access to the rich holdings and endeavours to draw the attention of students, academics and musicians to previously little-known sources.
In order to preserve the collections in such a way that they can also serve future generations as a source for research and artistic practice, filming and restoration work must be carried out. The archive urgently needs help and support for these very cost-intensive measures.

An overview of the holdings can also be found on the Thuringia Archive Portal.
Final and administrative archive
(1872-2005 ff), contains, among other things, student and personnel files (1907 ff) as well as archival material from the university's record-keeping offices.
Clubs and societies
Allgemeiner Deutscher Musikverein, ADMV (Musikarchiv, 1859-1937),
Arbeiterkultur und -sängerbewegung (1915-1960),
Folklorezentrum Gera (20. Jh.),
Folklorezentrum Suhl (20. Jh.),
Gesangverein Bittstedt (19./20. Jh.),
Komponistenverband (20. Jh.),
Lautengilde Gräfenroda (19./20. Jh.),
Liedertafel Pfiffelbach (1846),
Liedertafel Remda/ Volkschor Remda (1841-1966),
Männergesangverein Apolda (1820-1938),
Männergesangverein Erfordia (19./20. Jh.),
Männergesangverein Siebleben (19./20. Jh.),
Salonorchester Leube, Gräfenthal (o.J.-20. Jh.),
Verband der Komponisten und Musikwissenschaftler in der DDR (1950-1990)
Musikverlag Beyer und Mann, Bad Langensalza (1876-1968)
Deposits, estates, partial estates and bequests
Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar (Musikarchiv, 18.-20. Jh.),
Online-Katalog (RISM)
Adjuvantenarchiv Bad Lobenstein (18./19. Jh.)
(Katalog in Vorbereitung)
Adjuvantenarchiv Goldbach bei Gotha (17.-19. Jh.)
Online-Katalog (RISM)
Adjuvantenarchiv Gräfenroda (18./19. Jh.)
Online-Katalog (RISM)
Adjuvantenarchiv Großfahner/Eschenbergen (17./18. Jh.)
Online-Katalog (RISM)
Adjuvantenarchiv Molsdorf (18./19. Jh.)
Online-Katalog (RISM)
Adjuvanten- und Kantoreiarchiv Neustadt (Orla) (16.-19. Jh.)
(Katalog in Vorbereitung)
Adjuvantenarchiv Sülzenbrücken/Haarhausen (17.-19. Jh.)
(Katalog in Vorbereitung)
Adjuvantenarchiv Tabarz/Cabarz (18. Jh.)
(Katalog in Vorbereitung)
Adjuvantenarchiv Thörey/Ichtershausen (17./18. Jh.),
Online-Katalog (RISM)
Adjuvantenarchiv Udestedt (17. /18. Jh.)
Online-Katalog (RISM)
Adjuvantenarchiv Vogelsberg (Ende 18./ frühes 19. Jh.)
Online-Katalog (RISM)
Hundeshagen, Material zur Geschichte der Wandermusikanten (1895-1982),
Abendroth, Hermann und Elisabeth (1883-1974),
Baußnern, Waldemar von (1911-1936),
Beyer, Adolf (1876-1968),
Boes-Kniese, Julie (1877-1961),
Böhme, Franz Magnus (1827-1898),
Buchal, Hermann (1884-1961),
Cilensek, Johann (1913-1998),
Franke, Georg (19. Jh.),
Goepfart, Carl (1859-1941),
Grötzner/ Römhild (1693-1953),
Großmann, Helmut (19./20. Jh.),
Hartenstein, Carl (1863-1943),
Herder, Artur (1885-1953),
Hettstedt, Emil (1954),
Hinze-Reinhold, Bruno (1877-1964),
Hlouschek, Theodor (1923-2010),
Hoehn, Alfred (1903-1994),
Kirchner, Franz (1871-1943),
Knesewic, Spiridon (1875-1881),
Köhler, Erich (1877-1973),
Köhler, Johannes Ernst (19./20. Jh.),
Köhler, Karl-Heinz (20. Jh.), Lansky, Josef (1948-1961),
Leipold, Bruno (1879-1949),
Lewin, Gustav (1869-1938),
Liszt, Franz (1811-1886),
Ludwig, Albin (1858-1939),
Martin, Friedrich (1888-1931),
Methfessel, Albert (1785-1869),
Meyer-Olbersleben, Ernst-Ludwig (1940-1946),
Meyerolbersleben, Max (1850-1927),
Möller, Heinrich (1783-1957),
Müllerhartung, Carl (1883-1938),
Münnich Richard (1754, 1919-1965),
Niemeyer, Annemarie (1714-1972),
Rapp, Siegfried (1917-1977),
Rasch, Kurt (1902-1986),
Reisenauer, Alfred (1863-1907),
Rücker, Curt (1949-1969),
Schellenberg, Ernst Ludwig (1904-1953),
Thiele, Alfred (1950-1961),
Thurm, Joachim (20. Jh.),
Töpfer, Rudolf (1847-1967),
Volland, Friedrich Wilhelm (1774-1841),
Vulpius, Melchior (1913-1976),
Werner, Arno (1600-1955),
Werner, Franz (1914-1953),
Wetz, Richard (1901-1955)
Autograph collection of contemporary composers (1948-1952),
Buchenwald collection/material collection for the exhibition "Dem Morgenrot entgegen!" on the occasion of the inauguration of the Buchenwald Memorial in 1958 (1900-ca. 1960),
Photo collection (1886-2005),
Hymnal collection (18th/20th century),
Composers' library, Karl-Fritz Bernhardt collection, Suhl (19th/20th century),
Collection of musical instruments (74 items),
Composers' portfolios (690 items),
Sheet music collection of various provenance (17th-20th century),
Poster collection (1921-1996),
Thuringian Folk Song Archive, (former Department of Folk Music Research)
Newspaper cuttings (1953-2005 ff)
Electronic data carriers
CDs, films, microfilms, phonograph cylinders, records, music box records, tapes, audio cassettes, videos/DVDs
Historical sheet music collection of the German National Theatre Weimar (DNT)
Bestandsverzeichnis in RISM, Abfrage-Sigle: D-WRha DNT
and the printed catalogue:
Axel Schröter, Der historische Notenbestand des Deutschen Nationaltheaters Weimar (= Musik und Theater 6), Sinzig 2010.
(the survey was funded by the German Research Foundation, DFG, 2004-2007)
Adjuvantenarchiv Gräfenroda
Bestandsverzeichnis in RISM, Abfrage-Sigle: D-WRha AGR
- Drucke (in Vorbereitung)
Adjuvantenarchiv Molsdorf
Bestandsverzeichnis in RISM, Abfrage-Sigle: D-WRha AMD
Adjuvantenarchiv Thörey
Bestandsverzeichnis in RISM, Abfrage-Sigle: D-WRha ATH
- Drucke (in Vorbereitung)
Adjuvantenarchiv Udestedt
Bestandsverzeichnis in RISM, Abfrage-Sigle: D-WRha Udestedt
Adjuvantenarchiv Vogelsberg
Bestandsverzeichnis in RISM, Abfrage-Sigle: D-WRha AAV
DFG-Projekt Hofkapelle Sondershausen
Gesamtkatalog Sondershausen:
Teilbestand im StA Rudolstadt (RISM), Abfrage-Sigle: D-RUl
Teilbestand (Loh-Orchester) im Schloßmuseum Sondershausen (RISM), Abfrage-Sigle: D-SHm
Book stocks
⇒ Library of the former Department of Folk Music Research (1951-1993/94)
⇒ Reference library of Arno Werner (1865-1955)
⇒ Association library of the ADMV (Allgemeiner Deutscher Musikverein, 1861-1937)
⇒ Catalogue of the book holdings
House address
University Centre at the Horn
Carl-Alexander-Platz 1
99425 Weimar
Tel. +49 (0)3643 | 555 116
Fax +49 (0)3643 | 555 30 116
Postal address
University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar
P.O. Box 2552
99406 Weimar
Opening hours
Mon closed
Tue, Thu 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wed, Fri 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
and by arrangement