ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility

Teaching Mobility in German Higher Education (STA): Mobility of Academic Staff (STA1) and International Non-Academic Staff (STA2)

ERAMUS+ funds visiting professorships at European partner institutions (STA1) which comply with the ERASMUS university-charter and have signed a mutual agreement with the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar. By working at international institutions, visiting professors are intended to strengthen the European profile of the host institution, complement their teaching portfolio, and share their own expert knowledge with students unable or unwilling to study abroad. It is encouraged that the visit enables the development of joint programmes with the partner institutions, as well as the exchange of teaching methods and contents.

Visiting professorships must entail at least eight hours of teaching, and may last no more than six weeks (based on the programme guidelines). The University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, however, supports such international visits for a maximum of seven days. It is also possible to receive support for courses conducted by international non-academic personnel at German institutions (STA2) in order to strengthen co-operations between agencies, concert halls, opera houses, and others.

Mobility for Skills Training and Development (STT)

As a further means of supporting the internationalisation of Higher Education institutions, skills training and development of university staff (administration and teaching) may also be undertaken at European institutions of Higher Education and international companies/institutions. The visit should last at least one week (five working days) and no more than six weeks (based on the programme guidelines). The University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, however, supports such visits for only one week. In certain circumstances, visits of less than one week may also be funded.

Hochschulen und Institutionen, mit denen Vereinbarungen zum Personalaustausch bestehen, finden Sie hier.


  • Katharina  Breidenbach
    Photo: Alexander Burzik

    Katharina Breidenbach

    Staff International Office

    Changing office:

    Monday and Tuesday: ALTENBURG, room 012

    Wednesday to Friday: Administration building Rößlersches Haus, room 202

    ERASMUS coordination (students and university staff) | PROMOS Programme Management
    Verwaltungsgebäude – Rößlersches Haus
  • Ly  Tran
    Photo: Alexander Burzik

    Ly Tran

    Manager International Office

    Consultant for Internationalization

    ERASMUS (university coordination) | STIBET | DAAD Prize | International partnerships
    Room: 012