Accessibility Statement

The University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar is continuously working on making its online offers, at available in an accessible manner, so that people with disabilities or chronic illnesses can enjoy equal participation.

The accessibility requirements are rooted in the Thuringian Act on the Accessibility of the Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Bodies and the Thuringian Accessible Information Technology Ordinance.

This Accessibility Statement applies to the websites of the LISZT University, which is published under It does not apply to project websites that are not created in the university’s content management system.

This Statement was updated on 24 July 2024. To date, a third-party WCAG test has not been carried out. This Statement was drawn up on the basis of the review of the website, using a self-assessment scheme implemented on 24 July 2024.

The LISZT University Weimar’s website is not yet fully accessible, within the sense of current standards. In accordance with national legislation on the implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/2109 of the European Parliament, deficiencies will be successively corrected and accessibility continues to be improved.

Non-accessible content

  • The required ALT texts to explain images are almost all available. Often only titles are provided, but increasingly descriptions of the images are also being offered. The University of Music is continuously working on providing descriptive alternative texts for the images on its approximately 3,000 website subpages.
  • Only some videos have subtitles. Transcriptions are provided for individual audio files.
  • A website offer in easy-to-read-language is now available. Videos in German sign language are still missing. 
  • Saved documents (PDF, Word) are not yet fully available in accessible versions.


Report barriers to access

If you notice barriers to access on our website, or would like to receive information about how we are making it accessible, you can contact our online editorial team. We are very grateful for information and suggestions for improvement.

    Enforcement Procedure

    If you believe that we have not handled your feedback in a satisfactory manner, you can contact the Thuringian enforcement office:

    Thuringian State Officer for People with Disabilities
    Werner Seelenbinder Straße 6
    99096 Erfurt
    Tel.: +49 361 | 573 811 741
    Email: vz_bmb(at)