Artistic Teachers Photo: Alexander Burzik Marcus Aydintan Artistic Teacher of Music Theory and Ear TrainingLecturer at the Centre for Music Theory Hochschulzentrum am Horn Room: 207 marcus.aydintan(at) +49 3643 | 555 269 More information Photo: Alexander Burzik Dr. Florian Kleissle Artistic Teacher of Music Theory and Ear TrainingLecturer at the Centre for Music Theory Hochschulzentrum am Horn Room: 204 florian.kleissle(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Diana Lizura Lecturer at the Centre for Music TheoryArtistic Teacher of Music Theory and Ear Training Hochschulzentrum am Horndiana.lizura(at) Photo: Alexander Burzik Ehsan Mohagheghi Fard Artistic Teacher of Music Theory and Aural TrainingLecturer at the Centre for Music Theory Hochschulzentrum am Hornehsan.mohagheghi.fard(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Elke Reichel Artistic Teacher of Music Theory and Ear TrainingLecturer at the Centre for Music Theory Hochschulzentrum am Horn Room: 206 elke.reichel(at) +49 3643 | 555 269 More information