Tagung im Lippmann+Rau-Musikarchiv Eisenach, 24.-25.1.2025
Unter dem Motto Sammeln – Forschen – Publizieren: Archive populärer Musik - Realitäten und Visionen findet am 24. und 25. Januar 2025 eine Tagung im Lippmann+Rau-Archiv Eisenach statt. Die Tagung wird veranstaltet vom Institut für Musikwissenschaft Weimar-Jena und der Lippmann+Rau-Stiftung Eisenach.
Das ausführliche Tagungsprogramm finden Sie hier.
Den Programmflyer finden Sie hier.
Studie zur Gendergerechtigkeit im Jazz veröffentlicht
Die Studie Gendergerechtigkeit im Jazz. Eine Online-Umfrage unter Jazzmusiker*innen und Jazzstudent*innen in Deutschland entstand im Rahmen eines Forschungsseminars am Institut für Musikwissenschaft Weimar-Jena im Wintersemester 2023/24. Sie wurde von der Deutschen Jazzunion (DJU) als erster Band der DJU-Reihe Edition Impulse herausgegeben.
Ansicht und Download der Studie in der Digitalen Bibliothek Thüringen
Symposium: Sitting Here in Nowhere Land. Musik in Utopien – Utopien in Musik, 16.-17.9.2024
Collegium Musicum Populare, 21.-22. Juni 2024
Der neunte Nachwuchs-Workshop Collegium Musicum Populare (CMP) des IASPM D-A-CH (International Association for the Study of Popular Music Deutschland - Austria - Schweiz) findet am 21. und 22. Juni 2024 am Institut für Musikwissenschaft Weimar-Jena statt.
Hier finden Sie die Programmübersicht.
Den ausführlichen Call for Papers finden Sie hier.
Online-Befragung zur Jazzszene in Deutschland
Die Online-Befragung wurde im Rahmen des Forschungsseminars "Frauen im Jazz" konzipiert. Sie richtet sich an Musiker:innen und widmet sich verschiedenen Aspekten der Jazzszene in Deutschland, u.a. der Ausbildungssituation und der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit.
Sie erreichen den Online-Fragebogen bis 14. Januar 2024 unter dem folgenden Link: https://www.soscisurvey.de/StudieJazz.
Alle Angaben werden anonym ausgewertet.
Musik in der spätmodernen Gesellschaft. Krisen - Chancen - Transformationen (Internationale Tagung und Workshop, 21.-23.9.2023)
Die Veranstaltung findet im Festsaal des Fürstenhauses, Platz der Demokratie 2/3, Weimar, statt. Informationen zu Tagung und Workshop sowie das Tagungsprogramm finden Sie unter: https://musiksoziologie.hfm-weimar.de/
Tagungs-Flyer mit Programmübersicht
New from winter semester 2023/24 in the Master's program Musicology: Profiles Music Practice and Music Theory with focus on Jazz / Pop as well as more choices - apply now!
In the course of the reform of the Master's program in Musicology, new profiling options have been created: The Music Practice profile (with individual and ensemble teaching) and the Music Theory profile can now both be studied with a focus on the history of jazz and popular music, and can be completed with a master's thesis in this focus area.
In addition, the elective area in the History of Jazz and Popular Music master's profile has been expanded: Courses from the profiles Transcultural Music Studies and History of Jewish Music can now also be taken in the three elective modules.
The corresponding module catalogs will go into effect Oct. 1, 2023. Applications for the winter semester are now open.
Popular Music and its History. Collect - Research - Publish, conference at the Lippmann+Rau Music Archive Eisenach, 27/28.1.2023
The conference Popular Music and its History. Collect - Research - Publish will take place on January 27 and 28, 2023 at Jazzkeller Eisenach, Palmental 1 (directly below the Lippmann+Rau Music Archive). It is jointly organized by the Lippmann+Rau Foundation Eisenach and the Institute for Musicology Weimar-Jena.
Jazz Study 2022 published by the German Jazz Union
The living and working situations of jazz musicians are of professional, cultural and socio-political as well as scientific interest, but have hardly been researched so far. As an extended follow-up study to the 2016 Jazz Study, the German Jazz Union collected data on the income situation, social security, professional situation and training in the Jazz Study 2022. Questions were asked about experiences of discrimination, satisfaction and well-being, and the effects of the corona pandemic.
Open access publication (in German): Pop Up. Ausstellungen zu populärer Musik konzipieren und realisieren
Thomas Mania, Christofer Jost und Martin Pfleiderer (Eds.): Pop Up. Ausstellungen zu populärer Musik konzipieren und realisieren, Dortmund: Kettler 2022.
Open access: Download
Publication (in German): Audio worlds. Technology and media within popular music after 1945
New publication of the BMBF-funded research project "Musikobjekte der populären Kultur" ("musical objects of popular culture"):
Audiowelten. Technologie und Medien in der populären Musik nach 1945 - 22 Objektstudien, ed. by Benjamin Burkhart, Laura Niebling, Alan van Keeken, Christofer Jost and Martin Pfleiderer (= Populäre Kultur und Musik, Bd. 34), Münster: Waxmann 2021, 584 pages, many illustrations.
Website of the Fellowship project "Computer-aided music analysis" online
The website for the Fellowship project Computer Supported Music Analysis has been launched and is also available in Englishz: https://analyse.hfm-weimar.de
The project website contains teaching modules and numerous tutorials for computer-assisted analysis of audio and note files in German, English and Spanish.
New book publication (in German): Music Object Histories. Popular music and material culture
Christina Dörfling, Christofer
Jost, Martin Pfleiderer (Eds.):
Musikobjektgeschichten. Populäre Musik und materielle Kultur
Münster: Waxmann 2021, Populäre Kultur und Musik, vol. 32, 290 pages, several images. Link to the publication house.
The book was written within the framework of the BMBF joint project Music Objects of Popular Culture and is based on the papers presented at the interdisciplinary conference Musikobjektgeschichten. Populäre Musik und materielle Kultur, which took place on 1 / 2 October 2020 at the Goethe National Museum Weimar.
Conference proceedings published: Designing Sound Worlds. On the Actuality of the Bauhaus in Sound Design and Auditory Urban Planning (in German)
Designing Sound Worlds. On the Actuality of the Bauhaus in Sound Design and Auditory Urban Planning (in German)
ed. by Fabian Czolbe und Martin Pfleiderer
Berlin: Mensch und Buch Verlag 2021, 169 p., several images
ISBN: 978-3-96729-089-9
Further informationen and open access:https://klangwelten.hfm-weimar.de/publikationen/
In recent decades, the design of soundscapes has become the focus of urban planners and architects, product designers and music producers, but also of historical and cultural studies research. The conference volume is intended as a contribution to this new field of practice and research. At the same time, it wants to point out points of reference to concepts of the Bauhaus as a historical precursor.
Research project "Computer-aided music analysis" approved
As part of the Fellowship Program for Innovations in Digital University Teaching Funded by the Stifterverband together with the Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society; term: January to December 2021.
Job announcement (in German) (50%, 1.3.-30.9.2021)
Interdisciplinary Conference "Music object stories. Popular music and material culture"
on 1 and 2 October in the Festsaal of the Goethe National Museum Weimar.
Programme at: https://musikobjektgeschichten.hfm-weimar.de/
Attention: Due to a limited number of participants we kindly ask you to register in advance (by email to christina.doerfling@hfm-weimar.de).
Courses start on 4 May - initially online via the learning platform Moodle
In accordance with the "Joint Thuringian Declaration for the Summer Semester 2020" of 9 April and the political decisions of 15 April, courses in the summer semester 2020 will initially begin online from 4 May for a transitional period before attendance can be resumed.
This also applies to the courses of Prof. Dr. Martin Pfleiderer: all seminars and the lecture "History of Jazz I" will then take place weekly at the times specified in the course catalogue. A video conferencing tool (Cisco Webex) will be made available on the Moodle platform until then.
Additional tasks will be distributed via Moodle during the seminars - please check with Moodle from 27 April onwards. Everything else will be discussed in the first session of each course.
Honorary graduation for Rainer E. Lotz, music researcher and discographer, October 2, 2020
The Hochschule für Musik Weimar will award Dr. Rainer Lotz with an honorary doctorate in musicology in a festive ceremony on October 2, 2020. Lotz, who holds a doctorate in economics, has been active in music historical research since the 1970s. His research focuses on the German and transnational music history of the first half of the 20th century, especially the documentation and indexing of early gramophone recordings from the fields of light music, jazz, Jewish music and music ethnology. Since the early 1990s Rainer Lotz has been running the mammoth project of a German National Discography, which lists all shellac records recorded in Germany. The two-volume documentation "Black Europe. The sounds and images of black people in Europe pre-1927" (with 44 CDs) was nominated for a Grammy in the category "Best Historical Album" in 2015.
The event is open to the public and will take place on Ocober 2, 2020 at 6pm in the Fürstensaal of the HfM. The laudation will be held by Dr. Wolfram Knauer from the Jazzinstitut Darmstadt.
New release by the "Dig That Lick"-project: Pattern Similarity Search
The new Pattern Similarity Search allows a similarity search within the following databases:
(1) the new DTL 1000 Database, which was created as part of the "Dig That Lick" research project by means of automatic melody extraction from over 1700 jazz solos of jazz history;
(2) the Weimar Jazz Database;
(3) the Parker Omnibook; and
(4) the well-known Essen Folk Song Collection
All patterns found can be listened to and related to each other on a timeline or in network views.
For further information, see the documentary as well as examples of a pattern search.
Annual Conference of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, November 15 and 16, 2019
The annual conference of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, IASA (http://www.iasa-online.de/), Ländergruppe Deutschland/Schweiz e. V. will take place on 15 and 16 November 2019 in cooperation with the Institute for Musicology Weimar-Jena and the University Archive/Thuringia State Music Archive at the University Centre am Horn.
Dr. Klaus Frieler will present the Jazzomat Research Project (https://jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/) and Christina Dörfling and Prof. Dr. Martin Pfleiderer present the BMBF research project "Music objects of popular culture (https://www.musikobjekte.de/):
For the full programm see: http://www.iasa-online.de/files/Programm2019_V_4.pdf
International Conference September 20 and 21st, 2019: Gestaltung von Klangwelten. Zur Aktualität von Bauhaus-Konzepten für Sound-Design und auditive Architektur
Weimar, Goethe-Nationalmuseum, 20. und 21. September 2019
program: https://klangwelten.hfm-weimar.de/
In recent decades, the design of sounds and sound worlds has increasingly come into the focus of architects and urban planners, audio designers and music producers, as well as historical and cultural studies research. New fields of research and practice have emerged, in which, for example, the history of sounds and sound technologies, urban and rural soundscapes and their sound ecology, the auditory design of everyday living spaces and consumer products as well as the artistic design of sound in film, music and art are being investigated. Even though the leading protagonists of the Bauhaus have only indirectly dealt with questions of a sonic design of the human living environment in their writings, their approaches and concepts still shine through in these fields of research and practice of sound design today. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Bauhaus in Weimar, the interdisciplinary conference will take on the task of questioning the Bauhaus concepts of architecture, design and creation with regard to their significance for current developments in auditory interior design and architecture, audio design, music production and sound art.
New publication on jazz (in German): Jazz research nowadays. Themes, methods, perspectives
Jazzforschung heute. Themen, Methoden, Perspektiven,
hrsg. von Martin Pfleiderer und Wolf-Georg Zaddach
Berlin: Edition EMVAS 2019, 317 Seiten,
ISBN: 978-3-9817865-3-8
Further information and Open-Access: https://jazzforschung.hfm-weimar.de/publikationen/
In recent decades, international jazz research has opened up numerous new questions and research approaches. For example, the global dimensions of jazz, the role of women in jazz or its manifold cultural meanings in history and the present have moved to the centre of research. The thirteen contributions in the conference volume are dedicated to the frames, methods and desiderata of the current scientific debate on jazz. In addition, perspectives of artistic research in jazz and the education of jazz musicians and researchers are discussed.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Music objects as objects of artefact analysis - Interdisciplinary workshop, 18 March, 9-13 pm
Interdisciplinary workshop within the BMBF joint project "Music objects of popular culture
with Dr. Paul Eisewicht (TU Dortmund) and
Dr. Stefan Krebs (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History)
Monday, March 18, 2019, 9am - 1pm.
Hochschulzentrum am Horn, seminar roum 2
For more infos, see: https://musikobjekte.wordpress.com/2019/03/11/workshop-artefaktanalyse-18-03-2019-hfm-weimar/
SWR-Feature (in German): "100 years of drums: How the drum kit changed music"
The SWR feature "100 years of drums: How the drum kit changed music" can be found in the SWR Forum.
Martin Pfleiderer diskutiert mit Markus S. Kleiner (Professor für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften an der Hochschule der populären Künste Berlin) and Robert Michler (Schlagzeuger und Musikpädagoge an der Hochschule der Künste Bern), moderation: Norbert Lang.
Open Access-Publications by Martin Pfleiderer
Open Access-Publications by Martin Pfleiderer can be found here now.
New research project: "Objects of music in popular culture "
New research project "Musikobjekte der populären Kultur" funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Running from September 2018 until Dezember 2021.
Conference on jazz research, September 21st/22nd, 2018
International conference see Jazzforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum. Themen, Methoden, Perspektiven.
Speakers include Wolfram Knauer (Jazzinstitut Darmstadt), Monika Herzig (Bloomington University, Jazz Education Network) and André Doehring (Kunst Uni Graz).
New publication: "Inside the Jazzomat. New Perspectives for Jazz Research" (27.11.2017)
Martin Pfleiderer, Klaus Frieler, Jakob Abeßer, Wolf-Georg Zaddach, and Benjamin Burkhart (Eds.): Inside the Jazzomat. New Perspectives for Jazz Research, Schott Campus.
The Jazzomat Research Project takes up the challenge of jazz research in the age of digitalisation. It intends to open up a new field of analytical exploration by providing computational tools as well as a comprehensive corpus of improvisations with MeloSpyGUI and the Weimar Jazz Database. This volume presents the main concepts and approaches of the ongoing project including several case studies that demonstrate how these approaches can be included in jazz analysis in various ways.
New international research project: "Dig That Lick: Analysing Large-scale Data for Melodic Patterns in Jazz Performances"
Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) as part of the DIGGING INTO DATA CHALLENGE 2017
For more information see research projects
8th GfPM young talent workshop on 7 and 8 July 2017 in Weimar
The Society for Popular Music Research (GfPM) has set itself the goal of promoting and challenging young scientists. For this reason, the GfPM is organizing a workshop for all young scholars at the Franz Liszt School of Music in Weimar from July 7 to 8, 2017. The GfPM Young Scientists Workshop is jointly organized and conducted by Florian Lipp (University of Hamburg) and Steffen Just (Humboldt University of Berlin).
For more infos, see:
New Release: Lexicon of the Vocal Voice. History - Scientific basics - Singing techniques - Performers
Lexicon of the singing voice. History - scientific basics - singing techniques - interpreters, edited by Ann-Christine Mecke, Martin Pfleiderer, Bernhard Richter, Thomas Seedorf, Laaber: Laaber, 800 pages
The encyclopedia contains almost 100 biographical and stylistic portraits of important singers from jazz and popular music, written by Christian Bielefeld, Dietmar Elflein, Tilo Hähnel, Fernand Hörner, Julio Mendivil, Martin Pfleiderer, Carolin Stahrenberg and others.
Announcement of the Second International Jazzomat Research Workshop 2016: Perspectives for Computational Jazz Studies
September 23th and 24th, 2016, at hochschulzentrum am horn, University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar
For further information and programme see: http://jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/workshop2016/workshop2016.html
Free entrance, please register via e-mail: jazzomat[ät]hfm-weimar.de.
Announcement of the International Summer School on Computational Musicology (ISSCoM2016)
September 20-22, 2016, University of Music Franz Liszt, Weimar
Website: jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/isscom2016.html
Flyer: jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/download/flyer_isscom2016_en_de.pdf
Block seminar with Hartmut Rosa, FSU Jena, in summer semester 2016
Martin Pfleiderer, Hartmut Rosa
Resonance in music and society, aesthetic and sociological perspectives
Block seminar (Master) for students of sociology (FSU Jena) and students of the HfM Weimar:
MuWi MA 02 (all profiles) and 07 and 08 (profile GpMJ), MME, KuMa.
Preliminary discussions on 20.4.2016, 16-18 o'clock (Carl-Zeiss-Straße 2, SR 308), and on 17.5.2016, 18-20 o'clock (room see notice board), at the Sociological Institute of the FSU Jena;
Block seminar: 3.6.2016, 13 o'clock, until 5.6. 2016, 3 p.m. at the Accouchierhaus, Jenergasse 8, 07743 Jena;
Limited number of participants: pre-registration with Prof. Dr. Pfleiderer (by email or during office hours);
Resonance phenomena play a central role not only in musical acoustics, but also in wide areas of music reception and production (including physical and emotional reactions to music, processes of interactive music making and music listening) and in general in human world relations. The block seminar will attempt to connect a comprehensive sociology of the resonant (but also: non-resonant, 'mute' or alienated) world relationship with the field of music and music-related behaviour. This will open up and discuss new perspectives for both cultural sociology and music aesthetics. The interdisciplinary block seminar brings together students of the Weimar University of Music and Sociology at the FSU Jena. Prerequisite for participation is the willingness to get involved in this 'experimental' working context. literature for preparation: Hartmut Rosa: Resonanz. A Sociology of World Relations, Frankfurt 2016 (http://www.suhrkamp.de/buecher/resonanz-hartmut_rosa_58626.html).
*Workshop Transcultural and Popular Music Research*, January 29, 2016, 10am-4pm
Wolfgang Auhagen (Universität Halle-Wittenberg), Martin Pfleiderer and
Tiago de Oliveira Pinto (HfM Weimar):
*Workshop Transcultural and Popular Music Research*
January 29, 2016, 10am-4pm, Hochschulzentrum am Horn, seminar roum 2
10 am
Friederike Jurth: Da ideia ao Samba - From the idea to Samba. On the collective composition process and the performance of the Samba-enredo in Rio de Janeiro
11 am
Sabine Kibbel: "The Germans call him Wunder Stimme" - Insights into Bobby McFerin's personal style
12 am
Jan Herbst: The distortion as a means of shaping the electric guitar in rock music
1 pm - Lunch Break
2 pm
Martin Breternitz: The Jazz Scene in Thuringia in the 1970s and1980s and the Mechanisms of GDR Cultural Policy
3 pm
Wolf-Georg Zaddach: Metal Militia in Eastern Germany Heavy and Extreme Metal as social and aesthetic practicse in the GDR of the 1980s
Book on voice and singing in popular music in the USA 1900-1960 (27.05.2015)
Martin Pfleiderer, Tilo Hähnel, Katrin Horn, Christian Bielefeldt (ed.)
Stimme, Kultur, Identität. Vokaler Ausdruck in der populären Musik der USA, 1900-1960
"Voice, Culture, Identity Vocal Expression in Popular Music in the USA, 1900-1960": This book is dedicated to the voices and singing styles in popular music in the USA. Using singers from the fields of vaudeville, gospel, blues, American Popular Song, musical, jazz, country, folk, rhythm & blues, rock'n'roll, and soul as examples, the contributions describe in detail how vocal means of expression have influenced each other across genres and how they reflect images, cultural stereotypes, and collective identities.
Releases of the Jazzomat Research Project (May 22, 2015)
Free Download (http://jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/download):
*MeloSpyGUI 1.0* for Windows and Mac OS X:
- enables the analysis of countless characteristics of monophonic melodies
- with new possibilities of pattern search and pattern mining as well as conversion between different music data formats
- own music files (transcriptions, melodies) can also be read in and analyzed!
- download incl. Weimar Jazz Database and Essener VolksliederammlungTutorial see jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/gui/tutorial.html
*Weimar Jazz Database 1.1* now includes 299 transcribed jazz solos! - with extensive online descriptions of the individual solos, including selected analysis results and MIDI versions of the solos, see: jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/dbformat/dbcontent.html.
*MeloSpySuite 1.3* for Windows and Mac OS X:
- the command line program additionally allows the programming of own analysis routines and scripts
Vocalmetrics 1.1 (November 20, 2014)
Vocalmetrics 1.1 allows users to create new rating and visualization projects with their own audio files and their own sets of rating dimensions; it is available for free download.
Vocalmetrics 1.1 has been devised and implemented by the staff of the DFG-funded research project Voice and Singing in Popular Music in the US (1900-1960) in cooperation with Felix Schönfeld.
International Research Workshop 2014: The Jazzomat Research Project: Issues, Applications and Perspectives for Computational Methods in Music Research, Sept. 26th-27th
The Jazzomat Research Project is situated at the intersection of jazz research, cognitive psychology of creativity, and statistical music analysis. One central aim is to describe and discriminate stylistic features of jazz improvisation by examining jazz solos of various artists and styles with the help of a large computer database and newly developed software tools. Moreover, we want to explore the cognitive foundations of improvisation, test theories about the cognition of creative processes, and evaluate and enhance pedagogical approaches towards jazz improvisation. Furthermore, the project generally aims at advancing statistical and computational methods of music analysis in various areas of music information retrieval.
The Jazzomat Research Project is funded by the German Research Foundation with a three-year grant (October 2012 – September 2015). After the first two years of project runtime, the research workshop aims at presenting, sharing and discussing results of the project and at getting further theoretical and methodological input from international researchers with various areas of expertise. These include style analysis of jazz musicians and genres as well as jazz theory and jazz pedagogy (session 1), psychology of creative processes as well as computer-aided analysis of recurring melodic and rhythmic patterns (session 2), and music information retrieval, esp. the interaction of audio-based and symbolic music data analysis (session 3). Additionally, during an evening roundtable jazz musicians and jazz educators will discuss implications of computational jazz research for jazz education.
More informations.
Download flyer.
New publication on Popula Music history, context and research perspectives, ed. by Martin Pfleiderer, Ralf von Appen and Nils Grosch (June 16, 2014)
Populäre Musik. Geschichte – Kontexte – Forschungsperspektiven (German)
Popular music. History - Contexts - Research Perspectives
Martin Pfleiderer / Ralf von Appen / Nils Grosch (Ed.)
(Kompendien Musik 14)
301 pages with 22 images, 5 sheet music examples and a glossary.
ISBN 978–3–89007–734–5 | € 29,80
The dazzling history and the diverse social and media contexts of popular music are increasingly becoming the focus of international research. The volume Popular Music offers a lively overview of central research topics such as aesthetics, media technologies, and the social and economic framework conditions of the production, presentation, and reception of popular music. It is aimed at a broad circle of interested parties, including scholars and students as well as laypersons. A service section provides information on methods and resources of pop music research and offers an introduction to further study of these exciting phenomena.
International research workshop on Voice - Culture - Identity. Vocal expression in popular music in the USA (1900-1960) (April 29, 2014)
For more information, see: http://www.hfm-weimar.de/popvoices/workshop.htm
Release of MeloSpySuite software toolkit (April 4, 2014)
Release announcement (PDF, engl.)
Release-Ankündigung (PDF, dt.)
Release of MeloSpySuite software toolkit
MeloSpySuite is a free stand-alone software toolkit with various tools to analyse monophonic melodies esp. jazz improvisation. It includes statistical tools (melfeature), pattern mining (melpat), data conversion (melconv) as well as the Weimar Jazz Database (see below) and detailed documentation. A tutorial introduces first steps to handle the command-line programme.
A free download of MeloSpySuite is avaible in March 2014, see: jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/download.
The Weimar Jazz Database includes 135 jazz solos from various musicians and styles which are transcribed in a midi-like format (including pitch, onset, duration as well as annotated metric information, harmonic context, form, and phrasing) based on sv-files of Sonic Visualizer. The Weimar Jazz Database is to be currently enlarged up to 400 solos.
Based on MeloSpySuite a web application will be developed. The release of the web application is scheduled for fall 2014.
In September 2014, an international research workshop The Jazzomat Project: Issues, applications and perspectives for computational methods in jazz research will explore and discuss approaches to jazz improvisation, MeloSpySuite and other analyses toolkits (Weimar, September 26th/27th). Participants will come from jazz research, cognitive musicology, and music information retrieval including amongst others Daniel Muellensiefen (Goldsmiths College, London), Francois Pachet (SONY Computer Science Laboratory, Paris), Meinhard Müller (International Audio Laboratories Erlangen), and Andreas Kissenbeck (Musikhochschule München).
The Jazzomat Research Project is based at the Institute for Musicology Weimar-Jena at the Liszt School of Music Weimar and is funded by a three-year-grant of German Research Foundation (October 2012 until September 2015), see jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de.
Interactive Web Application VOCALMETRICS online (September 1, 2013)
What's so special about a pop voice? How do jazz, blues or gospel vocalists differ from each other? These and similar questions are the focus of the DFG research project "Voice and Song in Popular Music in the USA (1900-1960)" at the Institute for Musicology Weimar-Jena. An interactive and playful exploration of vocal characteristics is now possible with the web application VOCALMETRICS, which was developed in cooperation with the Institute for Software and Multimedia Technology at the TU Dresden. Based on a selection of more than 200 short excerpts from vocal recordings of various vocalists, central characteristics of vocal design (extent and frequency of rough or aspirated vocalization, vibrato, glissando, offbeats as well as peculiarities of dynamics, articulation and timing) are visualized and related to their time of origin as well as to genres, artists and record labels. VOCALMETRICS is now available in the browsers Chrome and Firefox: http://www.hfm-weimar.de/popvoices/vocalmetrics/main.htm
4th ASPM young talent workshop on July 5/6, 2013 in Weimar
The Working Group Popular Music Studies e.V. (ASPM) has set itself the goal of promoting and challenging young academics in particular. For this reason, the ASPM is organizing a workshop for all young scholars at the Institute for Musicology Weimar-Jena of the Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar from July 5th to 6th, 2013.
All ASPM members (and those who want to become members) who are currently working on a master's, master's, diploma, dissertation or similar qualification thesis with musical reference or who have recently completed it, are cordially invited to present their study at the workshop. This year, the ASPM young talent workshop will be chaired by Dr. des. Sarah Chaker from the Institute for Sociology of Music at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna:Er bietet die Möglichkeit,
- to gain initial experience in presenting one's own scientific findings in a small and rather informal setting,
- to deal intensively and critically with one's own work, to receive important suggestions from outsiders for one's own research project,
- to exchange and network with other young researchers beyond one's own university who are at a similar stage in their lives and thus know the specific (work) problems.