DFG HfM Weimar Stimme und Gesang in der
populären Musik der USA (1900–1960)

vocalmetrics. A Web Tool for the Visualisation, Rating und Comparisonof Music Datasets

Video Tutorial:
by Felix Schönfeld


#01 Login

#02 Projects and users

#03 Create a project

#04 Feature definitions

#05 Import data

#06 General user interface

#07 Scatterplot view

#08 Create and edit a data set

#09 Multiple users and ratings

#10 Compare view

#11 Prototype view



1. The main menu

2. General user interface

3. Compare view

4. Prototype view

5. Add dataset

6. Import and export data

7. Change password

8. Close Vocalmetrics

9. Articles about Vocalmetrics


1. The main menu


Active User activated user                Existing Project existing project 
Inactive User inactivated user                New Project add new project 
New User add new user 

The default password of Vocalmetrics is 'elvis'. To change the password see »7. Change password«.

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2. General user interface

general interface

rated dataset    rated dataset
unrated dataset    unrated dataset
selected dataset    selected dataset
objective feature    objective feature

Filter menu

show grid    activates the grid for a detailed analysis of the feature values
switch colour    switches between the dark and the bright colour scheme of the diagram
add dataset    adds a new dataset to the project
relevant raters    selects the raters that are relevant for the current view
show all ratings    shows all ratings of the selected dataset
set diameter features    sets the features that are relevant for the diagram
transparency    sets a feature to the transparency attribute of the dots; the weaker a feature the more transparent the dots 
show average value    shows average value of objective features

song details    The info array lists all feature characteristics and metadata of the selected dot.

Bottom menu

player    The player allows to play back the last selected sample, to activate autoplay and to loop the selected dataset
suchfeld    allows to search for a specific dataset or objective feature
Active User    allows to switch between three possible views: scatterplot, prototype and compare view
player    You can change the axis variable by clicking on the actual axis labeling.

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3. Compare view

The Compare view visualizes details for comparison of audio examples selected last.

compare view

The implemented radar view displays similarities and differences between all features of the audio examples selected last. All features are placed along a circle. Higher rated features are more distant to the circle centre. The combination of rated values result in an individual shape for each sample. Labels can be shown or hidden via the grid icon in the filter menu.

4. Prototype view

Import and export data    The prototype allows to find datasets that are similar to the chosen dataset. For activating it right-click on one of the datasets. Now, similar datasets will be drawn to the chosen prototype, whereas the more similar a dataset the closer it is to the prototype. The distances are based on the rating. You can deactivate the prototype by right-clicking on it again.
Import and export data    By clicking on the black dot you can activate the magnet that collects all the remaining datasets. You deactivate it by clicking on it again.
limit    sets the distance limit of the drawn datasets
weights    sets the weighting of the features for the prototype

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5. Add and edit dataset

To add a new dataset to an existing project click on the 'add dataset'-button on the general user interface. The menu 'New Dataset' will open. There, you can open a new dataset file, add an audiofile and edit the features. If you import audiofiles, make sure that they are located in the audio folder of Vocalmetrics (data/audio). Rateable features could be rated by using the sliders.

Import and export data

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6. Import and export data

To import and export data to an existing project click on the project's name in the main menu. The 'Edit Project' menu will open. There you can click on 'Import data' and choose the csv-data that you want to import. Alternatively, you can click on 'Export data' to create a new csv-data and to export the data from your project.

Import and export data

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7. Change password

The default password of Vocalmetrics is 'elvis'. You can change the password by opening the 'main.js'-file in the js-folder. Enter the new password between the single quotation marks in the ninth line (adminPassword).

Change Password

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8. Close Vocalmetrics

To close Vocalmetrics enter 'alt+F4'.

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9. Articles about Vocalmetrics

Axel Berndt, Rainer Groh, Tilo Hähnel, Martin Pfleiderer and Felix Schönfeld: Vocalmetrics. An interactive software for visualization and classification of music, in: Proceedings of the 9th Audio Mostly: A Conference on Interaction With Sound, October 1-3, Aalborg, Denmark.

Felix Schönfeld, Tilo Hähnel: Vocalmetrics: exploring multiple dimensions of singing in early popular music recordings, in: Proceedings of the Sempre MET 2014. Researching Music, Education, Technology: Critical Insights, hrsg. von Evangelos Himonides und Andrew King, London, 2014, S. 145–147.

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Letzte Aktualisierung dieser Seite: 20.10.2014