B.A. course in Intercultural Music and Events Management (IME)

The Bachelor’s subjects offered at the Department of Musicology Weimar-Jena culminate in a ‘Bachelor of Arts’ degree (B.A.). They are designed as two-subject courses, with a standard study time of six semesters, comprising a core subject and a supplementary subject. Intercultural Music and Events Management (IME) can be taken as a supplementary subject alongside the core subjects of the B.A. in Musicology and the B.A. core subjects offered by Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Following on from the bachelor’s degree, the Department of Musicology Weimar-Jena offers two-year master’s degree courses: the M.A. in Musicology, the M.A. in Arts Management and the M.Mus. in Music Theory.

The B.A. supplementary subject of Intercultural Music and Events Management is an interdisciplinary course, intended to provide a foundation in the subject, which offers aspects from business studies, cultural studies and communications studies. The course aims to convey a theoretically well-grounded understanding of the problems and opportunities of intercultural activity in the context of international music and events management, on the basis of well-founded skills in musicology and events management, the acquisition of basic knowledge of arts management and the ability to successfully design situations where intercultural interaction takes place. Teaching covers the fundamental models of the cultural economy (including decision-making and action models, plus approaches to organisational theory and management theory), cultural studies (including field-theoretical, neo-institutional, post-structuralist approaches), cultural law (legal theory and practice) and intercultural communication.

The fields of work associated with this B.A. course enable graduates to play a constructive role in the globalisation of music and events management and assist with this process. A successful qualification in this supplementary subject enables students to develop their academic skills further in a master’s degree in a similar subject, whether in Germany or abroad.

Further information can be found in the Arts Management specialist area.

Das B.A.-Ergänzungsfach Interkulturelles Musik- und Veranstaltungsmanagement ist ein grundlagenorientierter interdisziplinärer Studiengang mit wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen, kultur- und kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Anteilen. Ziel des Studiengangs ist die Vermittlung eines theoretisch fundierten Verständnisses für die Problematiken und Chancen interkulturellen Handelns in Kontexten des internationalen Musik- und Veranstaltungsmanagements auf der Grundlage fundierter musikwissenschaftlicher und veranstaltungspraktischer Kompetenz, der Erwerb grundlegender Kenntnisse im Bereich Kulturmanagement sowie die Befähigung zur erfolgreichen Gestaltung interkultureller Interaktionssituationen. Grundmodelle der Kulturökonomie (u. a. Entscheidungs- und Handlungsmodelle sowie Ansätze der Organisations- und Führungstheorie), der Kulturwissenschaft (u. a. feldtheoretische, neoinstitutionalistische, poststrukturalistische Ansätze), des Kulturrechts (juristische Theoriebildung und Praxis) sowie der Interkulturellen Kommunikation werden vermittelt.

Absolventen sind in Hinblick auf die mit ihrem B.A.-Kernfach verbundenen Arbeitsfelder in der Lage, an Internationalisierungsprozessen des Musik- und Veranstaltungsmanagements konstruktiv mitarbeiten und sie begleiten zu können. Ein erfolgreicher Abschluss in dem Ergänzungsfach befähigt zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifizierung in einem in- oder ausländischen Master-Studiengang ähnlicher Ausrichtung.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie im Fachbereich Kulturmanagement.

The detailed regulations, module catalogues, sample timetables and lecture lists can be found under the corresponding links. If you have any questions, please contact the student counselling service or the student representatives.

Admission requirements

  • General or subject-specific Secondary School Completion Qualification, or a different qualification corresponding to the General Secondary School Completion Qualification (pursuant to Section 60, Para. 2 of the Thuringian University Act)
  • Knowledge of two modern foreign languages (five years of lessons without an A-levels examination, three years of lessons with an A-level or B1 level certificate, in line with the Common European Framework of Reference)
  • Fulfilment of the admission requirements for the core subject in question
  • Successful completion of the aptitude test for IMV as a supplementary subject (alternatively, successful completion of the audition/qualification exam for musicology as a core subject)

Application process

The application for the core subject is either made according to the conditions of the B.A. core subject of Musicology or, in the instance of a core subject at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, in line with FSU’s conditions. The application for the supplementary subject is made via the UoM’s online portal, by the stated deadlines. Applicants for the B.A. supplementary subject in Intercultural Music and Events Management undergo an aptitude test. Due to the higher outlay required for the selection of applicants, the application deadline ends earlier than for subjects that do not require aptitude tests. Applicants will be advised of the date of their audition/qualification exam once their application has been received and reviewed. After the exam has been successfully passed, applicants will receive an acceptance decision, combined with a request to enrol. Enrolment is carried out in writing, using the appropriate form, and payment of the current semester fee is a prerequisite thereof.

If a supplementary subject is being taken at FSU Jena, the enrolment must include a matriculation certificate from FSU Jena and a completed data collection form.

Please note: your application is only valid once you have successfully completed your application online and sent all your application documents by post. Additional information regarding application deadlines and documents can be found under ‘Application’ and on the page of the ‘Arts Management’ subject.

Aptitude test process

The criteria for the aptitude test can be found here.

The aptitude test is only to be taken by applicants completing a core subject at the Faculty of Philosophy at FSU Jena. For applicants whose core subject is Musicology, the audition/qualification exam replaces the qualification process.