Digitales Übeprogramm Musiktheorie

Digitales Übeprogramm Musiktheorie - Basic music theory concepts explained using Robert Schumann's piano piece Von fremden Ländern und Menschen

Project leader: Prof. Jörn Arnecke, Centre of Music Theory
Teaching materials by: Marcus Aydintan, Sven Daigger, Ralf Kubicek, Elke Reichel, Jörn Arnecke
Editing and design: Anna Oberhauser

Funding: "Fellowship for Innovations in University Teaching" of the Stifterverband, Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society

As a sub-project of the Fellowship 2020, digital training courses were developed for students, which are still running today and are constantly being optimized.

The tasks are stored in the Moodle course Digitales Übeprogramm Musiktheorie.

To the Moodle course


This Moodle course uses Robert Schumann's piano piece Von fremden Ländern und Menschen to guide you through some basic concepts of music theory. The explanations are supplemented by digital exercises.

Exercises are offered on the following topics:

  • Non-chord tones
  • Descending fifths sequences
  • Sequence models - extension (Fauxbourdon, Fonte sequence, Romanesca)
  • Functional theory and analysis
  • Function theory - extension (intermediate dominants and subdominant fifth chords)

Example: Functional theory and analysis

1st task:

Assign function characters to the music text.

2nd task:

Assign function characters to the music text.

3rd task:

Assign function signs to the chords if they are dominant seventh chords. For other chords, use the ornament.