ORCiD Link to Tiago de Oliveira Pinto.
PhD students
Henrik Almon M.A.: Art Music in Brazil during the First Half of the 20th Century
Maria Ximena Alvarado M.A.: Musical Aesthetic Analysis of Two Traditional Rhythms from the South Pacific Region of Colombia: Juga and Bude
Guilherme Araujo Freire M.Mus.: Autonomous Initiatives in the Brazilian Music Industry of the 1950s and 1960s: The Case of the Festa, Elenco and Forma Record Companies
Omid Bürgin M.A.: „Historical Documents as Work of Art“ Koch-Grünbergs’s field recordings on Brazilian Indians between (1911–1913) and their transcriptions and analyses by Hornbostel as active creative performers and informants to the field of Ethnomusicology
Christian Diemer M.A.: Traditional Music in Ukraine. National Identity and Globalisation
Daisam Jalo M.A.: Protective measures against the war-related threat to Syrian musical traditions
Friederike Jurth M.A.: From the idea to the samba. Composition and compositional aesthetics of the samba enredo in Rio de Janeiro and its reception in escolas de samba outside Brazil
Christian Koehn M.A.: Music, Myth, and Ritual among the Moken Sea Nomads : On the Contiguities of Aesthetic and Religious Experience in the Life-World of a Maritime Hunter-Gatherer People
Luka Mukhavele: Challenges and Potentials of Mozambican Traditional Musical Instruments in Present-Day Contexts: Xizambi, Ximbvokombvoko, Xibavhani and Mbira
Yuran Park M.A.: Gagok: A Study on the Sustainability of an Intangible Cultural Treasure in South Korea (weiterer Betreuer Prof. Dr. Steffen Höhne)
Hyuntaek Yim M.A.: Design of the modern Jeongganbo. Structural Uniformity between Vertically Written Hangeul and Modern Jeongganbo
More information on the PhD projects here.