Teachers Photo: Alexander Burzik Rodrigo Affonso Artistic Teacher of Choir and Ensemble Conducting (Classical Music) Klostergebäude Am Palaisrodrigo.cardoso.affonso(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: private Prof. Stefan Bauer Artistic Teacher of School Piano Techniques Klostergebäude Am Palaisstefan.bauer(at)hfm-weimar.dewww.jazzbauer.deMore information Photo: Christian Seeling Prof. Martin Bosch Teacher for special tasks in choral and ensemble conducting (jazz/pop), electric bass and band conducting Klostergebäude Am Palaismartin.bosch(at)hfm.uni-weimar.dewww.martin-bosch.comMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Jonas Brehm Research Fellow of Music Education Klostergebäude Am Palaisjonas.brehm(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: private Alejandro Coello Calvo Artistic Teacher of Percussion Hochschulzentrum am Horn Klostergebäude Am Palaisalejandro.coello.calvo(at)hfm-weimar.dehttps://www.alecoello.com https://www.artgovt.com More information Photo: Alexander Burzik Iris Drengk Artistic Teacher of Piano (minor subject) and Elementary Music Pedagogy Fürstenhaus Klostergebäude Am Palaisiris.drengk(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Franziska Fuchs Artistic Teacher of Choir and Ensemble Conducting (Jazz/Pop)Director of the University Choir Klostergebäude Am Palaisfranziska.fuchs(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Prof. Petra Georgi-Umstadt Professor of Repetition Fürstenhaus Klostergebäude Am Palaispetra.georgi-umstadt(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Claudia Höpfl Research Fellow of Music Education Klostergebäude Am Palaisclaudia.hoepfl(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Julia Keidl Artistic Teacher of School Piano Techniques Klostergebäude Am Palaisjulia.keidl(at)hfm-weimar.dewww.juliakeidl.de More information Photo: private Katja von Massow Artistic Teacher of Diction Klostergebäude Am Palaiskatja.von.massow(at)hfm-weimar.de Photo: privat Hanno Menting scient. Research associate in the "MusiGeNuM" research project Hochschulzentrum am Hornhanno.menting(at)hfm-weimar.de Photo: studioline Fotostudio Leipzig Anna Merz Research Fellow of Music EducationMember of the Senate Hochschulzentrum am Horn Room: 110 anna.merz(at)hfm-weimar.de +49 3643 | 555 284 More information Photo: private Nicola Procaccini Assistant for organ and organ improvisation Klostergebäude Am Palaisnicola.procaccini(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Ute Schlegel Artistic Teacher of Piano Klostergebäude Am Palaisute.schlegel(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Eva-Marie Schmitt Artistic Teacher of Elementary Music Education/Rhythmics Absentee representative of the Diversity Officer Hochschulzentrum am Horneva-marie.schmitt(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Prof. Frank Strauch Professor of ViolaCourse Head Bachelor of Music Fürstenhaus Klostergebäude Am Palaisfrank.strauch(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Annina Lingens Alexander Riedmüller scient. Research associate in the "MusiGeNuM" research project Hochschulzentrum am Hornalexander.riedmueller(at)hfm-weimar.de Photo: Karl Epp Prof. Clemens Tiburtius Artistic Teacher of Singing Klostergebäude Am Palaisclemens.tiburtius(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Anne-Kathrin Wegele Research Fellow of Music Education Klostergebäude Am Palais Room: 315 anne-kathrin.wegele(at)hfm-weimar.de 03643 | 555 131 More information