Postgraduate study programme

Anyone interested in expanding or deepening the knowledge they have gained during their degree studies or professional career can apply to participate in the postgraduate study programme in artistic subjects offered by the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar.

This gives applicants the opportunity to expand their skills and respond to the changing requirements of the labour market.

Admission requirements:

  • A university degree in the desired artistic major subject
  • Successful completion of an audition/ qualification exam, in line with the Audition Regulations

Duration and scope of programme subjects:

  • The postgraduate study programme in artistic subjects is available for all the subjects offered by the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar.
  • The duration is one semester, and it can be repeated up to three times.
  • The programme encompasses a minimum of 4.5 semester hours and a maximum of 15 semester hours a week.
  • On the basis of the subjects offered by the university, the student agrees to a binding programme of study with the university.


  • The postgraduate study programme is subject to a fee. The actual fees are calculated on the basis of the agreed programme of study. The fee is payable before commencement of the programme. For more detailed information in this regard, please see the calculation basis (PDF, German).


  • A certificate of participation is issued after completion of the study programme. There are no examinations for this course.


  • Applications can be submitted via this form​​​​​ (German, PDF).


  • Signe  Pribbernow
    Photo: Alexander Burzik

    Signe Pribbernow

    Deputy Head of Department Academic and Student Affairs

    Member of the Senate

    Student counseling | Application | Audition | Enrolment | Further Course Offerings
    Verwaltungsgebäude – Rößlersches Haus
    Room: 101
    +49 3643 | 555 147