Professors | Teachers Photo: Alexander Burzik Prof. Bettina Bruhn Professor of Piano, Piano DidacticsCourse Head Master of Music Fürstenhausbettina.bruhn(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: private Prof. Karl-Peter Kammerlander Professor of Artistic Song Interpretationkarl-peter.kammerlander(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Felix Bröde Prof. Michail Lifits Professor of PianoDirector of the Department of Piano Fürstenhausmichail.lifits(at)hfm-weimar.dewww.michaillifits.comMore information Photo: Harald Wenzel-Orf Prof. Christian Wilm Müller Professor of Piano Fürstenhaus Musikgymnasium Schloss Belvederechristian.wilm.mueller(at) More information Photo: Alexander Burzik Prof. Thomas Steinhöfel Professor of Artistic Song Interpretation and Repetition Fürstenhausthomas.steinhoefel(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Georg Thum Prof. Einav Yarden Substitute professor of piano Fürstenhauseinav.yarden(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Chris Gonz Cathleen Bergner Artistic Teacher of Piano (minor subject)cathleen.bergner(at) Photo: Alexander Burzik Susanne Bitar Artistic Teacher of Piano (minor subject) Fürstenhaussusanne.bitar(at) Photo: Alexander Burzik Michael Dorner Artistic Teacher of Piano (minor subject) Fürstenhausmichael.dorner(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Iris Drengk Artistic Teacher of Piano (minor subject) and Elementary Music Pedagogy Fürstenhaus Klostergebäude Am Palaisiris.drengk(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Hinrich Steinhöfel Artistic Teacher of Piano (minor subject) Fürstenhaushinrich.steinhoefel(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Photo: Alexander Burzik Tanja Schubert Teacher for special tasks in the subject piano Hochschulzentrum am Horn Fürstenhaustanja.schubert(at) Photo: Luise Heinig Max Arsava Lecturer for piano improvisationmaximilian.arsava(at)hfm-weimar.dewww.maxarsava.comMore information Photo: private Prof. Grigory Gruzman Lecturer of Piano (major subject) Fürstenhausgrigory.gruzman(at) More information Photo: Martijn Gijsbertsen Ben Kim Lecturer of Piano (major subject) Fü More information Mariya Kim Lecturer of Piano (major subject) Fü Photo: private Prof. Larissa Kondratjewa Lecturer of Chamber Musiclarissa.kondratjewa(at)hfm-weimar.deMore information Dr. István Lajkó Lecturer of Piano (major subject)istvan.lajko(at) Stefan Landes Lecturer of Performance Training Fürstenhausstefan.landes(at) Ying-Li Lo Lecturer of Repetition, Harpsichord (minor subject) and Historical Instrumentsying-li.lo(at) Stefanie Rosenbaum Lecturer of Musicologystefanie.rosenbaum(at) Photo: Zuzsanna Specjal Endri Nini Lecturer of Chamber Musicendri.nini(at)hfm-weimar.dewww.endrinini.comMore information Reinhard Schmiedel Lecturer of the Music of the 20th/21st Centuryreinhard.schmiedel(at) Hauke Siewertsen Lecturer of Mental Workouthauke.siewertsen(at) Olivia Warburton Lecturer for English song Fürstenhaus