
  • Prof. Dr. Michael  Klaper
    Photo: private

    Prof. Dr. Michael Klaper

    Professor of Musicology, Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, History of Notation

    Director of the Department of Musicology Weimar-Jena

    ERASMUS Subject Coordinator

    Office hours during the lecture-free period: by appointment

    Office hours during the semester: Tuesdays 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

    Hochschulzentrum am Horn
    Room: 404
  • Prof. Dr. Nina  Noeske
    Photo: Christina Körte

    Prof. Dr. Nina Noeske

    Professor of Musicology, Music of the 19th century

    Member of the Senate

    Course Head Bachelor/ Master of Arts

    Office hours: 
    During the lecture-free period, consultation hours take place exclusively online (via Zoom) by appointment. Please contact us by e-mail.

    Office hours during the summer semester 2024: Wednesdays, 2:00-3:00 p.m. (please register in advance by e-mail!)

    Hochschulzentrum am Horn
  • Prof. Dr. Albrecht  von Massow
    Photo: private

    Prof. Dr. Albrecht von Massow

    Professor of Musicology, Music of the 20th century, Systematic Musicology

    Member of the Senate

    Course Head Bachelor/ Master of Arts

    Office hours during the lecture-free period: 25 September 2024 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

    Office hours during the semester: Wednesdays 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

    Hochschulzentrum am Horn
    Room: 305
  • Prof. Dr. Helmut  Well
    Photo: Alexander Burzik

    Prof. Dr. Helmut Well

    Professor of Musicology, History of Music and Musical Analysis, Historical Music Theory (History)

    Office hours during the lecture-free period: by arrangement

    Office hours in the summer semester 2024: Mondays 11:00-12:00 a.m., room 306 or by telephone on +49 (0)3643 | 555 221, additional office hours by prior arrangement by e-mail

    Hochschulzentrum am Horn
    Room: 210