Officers of the university

Equal Opportunities Officer

Diversity Officer

  • Prof. Meike Britt  Hübner
    Photo: Alexander Burzik

    Prof. Meike Britt Hübner

    Professor of Music and Movement Education/ Eurhythmics

    Principal of Elementary Music Pedagogy/ Eurhythmics

    Diversity Officer

    Member of the Advisory Council for Equal Opportunities

    Office hours: Tuesdays 9.00 to 10.00 am and by appointment
    currently via Webex, registration by e-mail

    Forum "Diversity": Wednesdays 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and by appointment
    currently via Webex, registration by e-mail

    Hochschulzentrum am Horn

Officer for Foreigners

Data protection officer

  • Claudia  Democh
    Photo: Alexander Burzik

    Claudia Democh

    In-house Lawyer

    Head of the legal department

    Legal Advisor | Data Protection Officer

    Verwaltungsgebäude – Rößlersches Haus
    Room: 302
    +49 3643 | 555 188

Anti-Corruption Officer

In accordance with the Directive on Combating Corruption in the Public Administration of the Free State of Thuringia of 8 January 2019, published in the Thuringian State Gazette No. 5/2019, pp. 275-280, Ms Dorin Bardele was appointed Anti-Corruption Officer by the Chancellor of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar.

Tasks of the Anti-Corruption Officer

  • Reporting, information and contact point for reports of corruption and all matters relating to combating corruption at the university
  • Investigating reports of corruption and uncovering cases of corruption
  • Measures to prevent corruption
  • Promoting employee awareness through counselling and education

Explanatory film of the anti-corruption control centre

To mark World Anti-Corruption Day, the Thuringian Anti-Corruption Centre has published an explanatory film on the topic of corruption. The film presents the topic in an understandable and illustrative way. In addition to the aspect of corruption prevention, the film also aims to draw attention to the current regulations prohibiting the acceptance of rewards, gifts and other benefits. The film is aimed at both employees of the Free State of Thuringia and interested members of the public with the aim of raising awareness of the issue of corruption.

Corruption is not a trivial offence, but a criminal offence. Corruption damages the public's basic trust in the independence, incorruptibility and ability to act of the state and its officials. In addition, corruption often results in high financial losses that are borne by the general public. For this reason, regular prevention and awareness-raising measures are important in order to prevent corruption offences at an early stage or to better recognise and report them.

Link to the film:

Indications of corrupt behaviour

If you have concrete evidence of corrupt behaviour at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, please inform the Anti-Corruption Officer or your supervisor. Please also support the university management in identifying problematic or faulty organisational structures that encourage corruption, other advantage-taking or unlawful behaviour. If you have any information or suggestions for improvement, please contact the Anti-Corruption Officer.

By doing so, you can help to protect your own integrity and that of the university and help to uncover and clarify corruption, risks, irregularities and legal offences. Help to ensure that damage to the image of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar can be averted at an early stage.

Your information will be treated confidentially.

You can contact the Anti-Corruption Officer directly via her email address and the telephone numbers provided. In addition, she is of course available for a confidential personal meeting by appointment.

Officer of the Whistleblower Reporting Office

Representative of Severely Disabled Students and Employees