Prof. Jürgen Puschbeck
Professor of Choir Conducting
Director of the Chamber Choir
Hochschulzentrum am Horn
- Born in 1960, st the early age of five Jürgen Puschbeck sang in the children's choir in his home community Schneeberg
- In 1970 he became a member of the "Kreuz" Choir in Dresden
- As well as undertaking a choral education Jürgen Puschbeck received organ lessons with the Cantor Ludwig at the Christuskirche Dresden-Strehlen
- In the years between 1977 and 1979 he had the position of choir prefect and took over the assistance as well as the management of the church services and vespers
- From 1981 to 1986 Puschbeck studied choral management at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar in the department of conducting with Prof. Gert Frischmuth
- In 1983 he took over the directorship of the boys choir of the Jena Philharmonic, 1985 the Philharmonic Choir Jena
- In 1986 he completed his studies with a final recital in the Schauspielhaus Berlin and was appointed the position of Choral Director of the Jena Philharmonic
- In the years between 1986 and 1990 he attended additional studies in orchestral conducting with Prof. Olaf Koch / Halle
- In 1987 the directorship of the "Jena Madrigalkreises" (Chamber Choir of the Jena Philharmonic) was transferred to him
- As well as undertaking rehearsals and productions with professional Choirs in Leipzig and Berlin Jürgen Puschbeck has toured many times with choirs from Jena, Weimar and Stuttgart in many European cities, Japan, Australia and America
- In 1997 he took over the artistic management of the chamber choir at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar
- In 1998 Jürgen Puschbeck was awarded the title of Professor of Choir Conducting at the LISZT University