Posters and programmes

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You would like to have posters and / or programmes for your event?

You may choose to use your own designs for advertising the event (see below), or to use the service provided by the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar.

Standard-design posters and programmes

The University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar offers the production of free posters and programme booklets on university preprints.

This type of poster is reserved for smaller concerts and events (final concerts, class evenings etc.). The usual quantity is 10. Programme booklets in A5 format (closed) are also available for events. The usual number of copies is 50.

Please note the following:

  • Data for posters and programmes must be submitted to the print media office by e-mail at least 14 days before the event.
  • Please report the time, place, entrance, performers, composers with biographical data, works (opus etc.), movement names
  • If an event is cancelled and the posters and programmes are not required, please inform the print media office as soon as possible.


  • Carolin  Vu
    Photo: Thea Ulbricht

    Carolin Vu

    Student employee in the print media office

    Posters and programs
    Verwaltungsgebäude – Rößlersches Haus
    Room: 005

Your own poster design

If you do not wish to advertise your concert on the university forms, you can design your own poster or commission it externally. When doing so, please observe the university's corporate design. You can find out more about this in the guide to the uniform appearance (PDF). The university cannot duplicate your own poster designs.

If you have any questions, please contact the Marketing Department.


GEMA notification

If you create your own program booklets, please hand in a copy for GEMA registration at the event office or send it by e-mail to alexander.becker(at) if the program has not already been registered at the event office.


  • Alexander  Becker
    Photo: Alexander Burzik

    Alexander Becker

    Staff Event Management Office

    Tickets | Concert Assistance | Gema | Concert Room Management | Instrument Transport | Renting
    Room: 114
    +49 3643 | 555 170

Central university events

For central university events and for cases in which internal printing is not sufficient for advertising purposes, the print media (posters, leporellos, flyers, banners, etc.) are produced by the Marketing Department. Advertising materials for university central events are commissioned by the departments/faculties. This does not include class nights, diploma, bachelor's, master's concerts, etc.

In order to ensure a smooth process and to be able to advertise the planned events in good time, we ask the clients to observe the listed lead times for the design, printing and, if necessary, distribution of the advertising materials.

The figures given are approximate. The times for design are of course always dependent on the current order situation. We recommend that you discuss your ideas with our graphic designer Susanne Tutein as early as possible and check the deadline.

The following information refers to professional prints (via external printers) for central university projects:

The following applies to all print products:

  • Prerequisite for speedy printing is a quick printing approval by the client.
  • Please note that the promotion of the event by hanging the posters in the city should take place about 2-3 weeks before the date.

– University format posters 4/4 colored –

Design    Print       Total
10 days10 days31 days advance

If posters have to be advertised due to deviating formats, the lead time is extended by approx. 3 days

– Flyer 4/4 colored –

Design  Print   Total
20 days14 days37 days advance

– Postcards in A6 or DIN long standard format 4/1 colored –

DesignPrint        Total
14 days14 days31 days advance


  • University
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  • Print media office

    Would you like posters and/or programme booklets for your concert?

    Please send an email at least 14 days in advance to:


    Corporate Design