
  • Opera school

    Opera school

    Founded in 1886 as the first institution of scenic education at an orchestra conservatoire in Germany, the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar has trained actor-singers for over 120 years: operatic education plays a central role at the Department of Voice | Opera. From the students' first term, vocal training, the study of operatic roles and Lied repertoires, and acting complement each other.

    The students learn to grasp and understand the meaning of musical / musico-dramatic works. They are taught how to make use of vocal and dramatic skills in order to present thoughts and emotions to an audience – be it in performances of Lied, concert repertoire, or opera. The training is holistic and studies the body's expressive possibilities, uniting voice, gesture, and movement. The terms centre on the preparation and performance of operatic works at the University's studio theatre, and in co-operation with theatres and orchestras from across Thuringia.

    Artistic director
    Roman Hovenbitzer

  • University
  • Applying
  • Studying
  • Working
  • Giving
  • Visiting
  • Reporting
  • Examinations office

    Office hours

    Tuesday and Thursday

    9.00 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.