
  • University Choir

    University Choir

    The University Choir is a mixed ensemble that is open to students from the University of Music FRANZ LISZT and the Bauhaus University Weimar. It has a long tradition at the University, but conversely, the ensemble is also completely new every semester, because the membership changes constantly. Professor Kerstin Behnke and Professor Juan Garcia take turns leading the choir. They lecture the subjects Choir and Ensemble Leadership, for the Department of Music Education and Church Music, focusing on classical music and pop/jazz. Under the guidance of these two professors, students work on a broad spectrum of choral music from an array of different styles. The choir collaborates with the various courses at the University of Music, thereby giving students from any discipline the opportunity to gain a wide variety of artistic experiences.

    Led by
    Professor Kerstin Behnke and Professor Juan Garcia

  • University
  • Applying
  • Studying
  • Working
  • Giving
  • Visiting
  • Reporting
  • Examinations office

    Office hours

    Tuesday and Thursday

    9.00 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.