The fascination of music production
New episode of the LISZTEN podcast with sound engineer Friedrich Störmer
In the fourteenth and final episode of LISZTEN, presenter Christofer Hameister talks to sound engineer Friedrich Störmer.
‘It didn't sound cool somehow, it had no power,’ recalls Friedrich Störmer of his first self-produced recording from his student room.He didn't want to stay at that level, so the jazz musician began to intensively familiarise himself with sound engineering. Today, he works as a sound engineer in the university's recording studio, where he is primarily dedicated to jazz and pop.
In this episode of LISZTEN, listeners not only learn about his career path, which he began as a double bass player, but also receive concrete tips on how they can create high-quality audio recordings with little financial investment.
Click here for the podcast ...
In the 150th anniversary year of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, the new podcast LISZTEN was launched. Rather than looking back at our history, we talk to the people who shape the University of Music today.
Who teaches, studies and works here? How did they find their way to music and the University of Music? And what drives them outside of music? From 2022 to 2024, various people from the fields of study, teaching and administration had their say - unfiltered and honest. This podcast format ends with the 14th episode - and may be continued in a different form.
Presenter Christofer Hameister studied school music at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT in Weimar and completed his journalistic traineeship at Antenne Thüringen in Weimar. Since 2019, he has been presenting various programmes on radio and television for Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb).
[24 May 2024]