Prof. Dr. Martin Pfleiderer
Project leader
Prof. Dr. Martin Pfleiderer was born in Calw in 1967. After graduate studies in musicology, philosophy and sociology at Justus Liebig University Giessen he completed a postgraduate course in Management of the Arts at Hamburg University of Music and Theatre (1993-95). From 1991 to 1999 he worked freelance as music journalist for Frankfurter Rundschau, Jazzthetik, and other newspapers and magazines, and as sound engineer and recording manager for the NDR-Bigband. In 1998, he received a doctorate at University of Giessen. From 1999 to 2005, he was assistant professor for Systematic Musicology at the Musicology Department of Hamburg University. After his postdoctoral lecture qualification in 2006 he took over a temporary professorship in theory, aesthetics and history of popular music at University of Paderborn (2007/08). Guest lectureships have taken him, among other places, to the Universities of Hamburg, Paderborn, Basel and Krems. In 2009 he became professor for history of jazz and popular music at the LISZT School of Music in Weimar. Since 1987, Martin Pfleiderer has also performed as jazz saxophonist with various groups.
martin.pfleiderer [at] hfm-weimar.de
Telefon: 03643/555225
Dr. Tilo Hähnel
Research associate since 11/2011
Tilo Hähnel studied musicology, psychology and art history at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the Freie Universität Berlin. From 2008–2011 he worked at a research project run by the faculty of computer science of the Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg and the Zentrum für Telemann-Pflege und -Forschung in Magdeburg. In 2012 he did his doctorate at the Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg on computer-based models of expressive performance, particularly on parameters of historically informed performances. Before his scientific career he played drums in diverse rock- and jazz- bands and worked as a broadcast journalist.
tilo.haehnel [at] hfm-weimar.de
Telefon: 03643/555273
Katrin Horn, M.A.
Research associate since 03/2014
Katrin Horn studied Theater- and Media studies, American and English Studies at Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich and Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. In her Ph.D. project, supervised in the FAU's American Studies department, she investigates the critical and affective potential of camp in contemporary US popular culture. Of particular interest is the effect of inter- and metareferencs, and its significance for the creation of and reception within "interpretative communities." Before and during her graduate studies Katrin Horn did freelance work for film festivals and was a lecturer at the universities in Erlangen and Bayreuth. Her research interests include Media Studies in general, film history and popular culture in particular, as well as Gender and Queer Studies.
katrin.horn [at] hfm-weimar.de
Telefon: 03643/555273
publications (at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Dr. Christian Bielefeldt
Research associate since 06/2014
Dr. Christian Bielefeldt studied Musciology, Music Education and German Literature at Hochschule für Musik und Theater and Universität Hamburg. After his studies, he was awarded a doctoral scholarship by the DFG at the graduate college "Intermedialität" at the Universität Siegen. In 2002 he received his Ph.D. from the institute of Musicology at Universität Hamburg. After his teacher training and several teaching assignments at the universities of Lüneburg, Paderborn and several other cities in the Europe, Christian Bielefeldt is now a music teacher and the principal at
Atelierschule Zürich. His scholarly interests include new music after 1945, voice and singing in popular music as well as didactics of popular music.
Benjamin Burkhart M.A.
Research assistant since 09/2014
Benjamin Burkhart studied musicology at Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg (2008-2011) and did his masters at the LISZT SCHOOL of Music Weimar (2012-2014) with a focus on jazz and popular music studies. In addition to his studies, he worked as a music journalist (neue musikzeitung, Jazzzeitung, klassik.com), as a research assistant and as an online editor at DIE TONKUNST. Since May 2013 he has been a research assistant at "Jazzomat Research Project" (principal researcher: Prof. Dr. Martin Pfleiderer). Since September 2014 he has additionally worked for the research project "Voice and Singing in Popular Music in the U.S.A. (1900-1960)," where he is responsible for editing the final book publication Voice, Culture, Identity. Vocal Expression in the Popular Music of the U.S.A.
benjamin.burkhart [at] hfm-weimar.de
Nicole Haushälter B.A.
Research assistant since 02/2014
Nicole Haushälter studied musicology and Intercultural Music and Arts Management at the Liszt School of Music Weimar and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Currently, she attends the masters programme Arts Management with the focus on the History of Jazz and Popular Music. Besides her work in the research project Voice and Singing in Popular Music in the U.S.A. (1900–1960) she is a cellist in various ensembles and works closely with the cultural office of her hometown Naumburg within the framework of planning and organization.
nicole.haushaelter [at] hfm-weimar.de
Ekkehard Knopke B.A. B.A.
Research assistant since 02/2014
Ekkehard Knopke studied Musicology and Sociology at the Liszt School of Music Weimar and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (2007–10). Following this, he attended the bachelor degree course Media Culture at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ( 2010–13). Since April 2013, he takes part in the Research Master in Media and Culture; also at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. His research foci are Cultural and Media Sociology as well as Metal Studies.
ekkehard.knopke [at] uni-weimar.de
Tobias Marx M.A.
Research associate (11/2011–12/2013)
Tobias Marx studied musicology, communicational science and educational science at TU-B (Technische Universität Berlin) with focus on music psychology, learning processes and empirical research. At the time he is working his Ph.D. project on social interaction in music groups at University of Kassel with advisor Prof. Dr. Jan Hemming. Research interests are the musicians psychology and popular music.
Felix Schönfeld
Research assistant since 01/2014
Felix Schönfeld is writing his diploma thesis in Media Computer Science at the Technische Universität Dresden. His interests focus mainly on designing and programming interactive online media and on the discipline of information visualization. He also works for advertising agencies or on a self-employed basis. As part of this project he takes care of the web application Vocalmetrics.