Whistleblower Reporting Office

Directly to: Legal Department | Anonymous Mailbox Whistleblower Reporting Office

You can contact the university's internal reporting office if you have discovered legal violations in connection with your professional activities or have obtained information about violations. The information will be processed by an employee from the legal department (Christian Franze) and/or a colleague from the ASA (Dr. Helen Fronius) and treated in strict confidence.

If you prefer one of the two representatives of the Reporting Office as a contact for your tip or report, or if you have any reservations about one of the persons, please do not use the general method of contacting the Reporting Office, but contact the person you consider to be familiar with you personally.

Information on the data processing that takes place can be found here: 
Privacy Policy of the Whistleblower Reporting Office

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt no later than seven days after reporting, should the contact not have been made anonymously. A response, including notification of planned and already taken measures, will be sent within three months after confirmation of receipt of the report.

Which violations can be reported under section 2 of the Whistleblower Protection Act?

  • Violations of criminal law
  • Violations subject to fines (administrative offences), if the violated norm serves e.g. the protection of health or the protection of the rights of employees or their representative bodies (e.g. occupational health and safety, staff representation rights).
  • Violations of legal provisions adopted to implement certain European regulations, as well as violations of directly applicable EU legal acts, e.g.: Money laundering and terrorist financing, consumer protection, data protection, data security, public procurement law, competition law.
  • Statements by civil servants that constitute a violation of the duty to be faithful to the Constitution.

Possible ways of contacting the Whistleblower Reporting Office:

  • Physical (anonymous) letterbox:
    Mailbox of the Law Office, Rößlersches Haus, Administration Building, 1st floor on the right.
    Please use a sealed envelope and mark the recipient accordingly!

Or contact the relevant person at the Whistleblower Reporting Office directly:

  • Officer of the Whistleblower Reporting Office: Christian Franze 
  • Deputy Officer of the Whistleblower Reporting Office: Dr. Helen Fronius
